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The grieving fathers who are victims of the "newborn gang" recounted how their babies were led to death.

The grieving fathers who are victims of the

21.10.2024 14:51

In the indictment prepared against 47 suspects who transferred 12 babies to the neonatal units of private hospitals they had agreements with, causing their deaths for the sake of unjust profit in Istanbul, the statements of the grieving fathers broke hearts. The victimized fathers stated that the hospitals that led their babies to death charged them excessively, while they recounted how their babies fought for their lives in intensive care units for days.

By collaborating with individuals working at the 112 Emergency Call Center in Istanbul, it is alleged that 47 suspects caused the deaths of emergency infant patients by transferring them to the neonatal units of private hospitals they had previously agreed upon, thereby obtaining unjust profits. The indictment prepared includes statements from fathers who lost their babies. In the indictment prepared by the Bakırköy Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, one of the complainants, M. H. K, recounted that on November 13, 2023, he and his wife Z. K, who was 28 weeks pregnant, went to the Private Esencan Hospital in Esenyurt due to a hypertension issue.

The grieving fathers, victims of the 'Newborn Gang', explained how their babies were led to death


M. H. K stated that after waiting for 4 hours, they were directed to the Private Güney Hospital in Esenler, with the explanation that "our intensive care units are full." He noted: "The Güney Hospital sent their private ambulances for their use and took my wife. When I entered the hospital, I was greeted by female staff at the cashier's desk, whose names I did not know, and they asked, 'Are you a relative of Z. K?' They told me that my wife was in critical condition as soon as she arrived by ambulance and that she was taken for an emergency delivery, asking me for 8,000 TL. While I was concerned about my wife's condition, they first asked me to pay money. I wanted to make the payment immediately with my bank card and credit card, but when I wanted to pay 8,000 TL with my bank card, they asked for 4,000 TL in cash and 4,000 TL to be paid with the bank card. Subsequently, I withdrew the 4,000 TL in cash from a nearby ATM and handed it over to the staff at the cashier's desk. I was not given any receipt or document indicating that a transaction had taken place in exchange for the money.

The grieving fathers, victims of the 'Newborn Gang', explained how their babies were led to death


"Complainant M. H. K stated that after the birth, he, his wife, and their child stayed in the hospital for 3 days, saying, "During the time my child was in the intensive care unit, I was informed twice by Dr. Songül. I was told by Songül that my baby was doing well. On the second day, Songül informed me that my wife's condition was good, but my child's condition was not good. On the third day, November 16, 2023, around 4:00 AM, our child passed away. After learning the news of the death, we completed the discharge procedures and left the hospital," he stated.

Complainant father E. K. stated that on November 26, 2023, he and his wife S. K. went to Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital for delivery, and their baby was born on the same day. He reported that the doctors said the baby's condition was good after birth and that there were no issues. E. K. said, "On November 27, the doctor named N. T., who was responsible for my baby's birth, told us that the baby's condition had worsened and that it needed to be urgently transferred. Around 3:00-4:00 AM, my baby was transferred to the Private Bağcılar Medilife Hospital. At that time, no diagnosis had been made regarding my baby's illness."

The grieving fathers, victims of the 'Newborn Gang', explained how their babies were led to death


E. K. noted that the suspect doctor Dursun Eryılmaz, who was responsible for his baby at the Private Bağcılar Medilife Hospital, informed them that the baby had heart failure and a metabolic disease. E. K. recorded: "They said that if he survives, there is an 80% chance that the baby will be disabled or die. Dr. Dursun Eryılmaz sent me to my wife to give breast milk to my baby. While I was going to my wife, I was called again from the hospital and told that my baby's condition had worsened and that I needed to return to the hospital urgently. I then went to the hospital, and my baby was still alive. They told me that my baby's condition was bad. They said that a special doctor from outside would come to examine my baby and that I needed to pay around 3,000 TL for this.

Complainant father H. H. also stated that on November 26, 2023, after his wife G. E. H. went into labor, they were transferred to the Private Bağcılar Medilife Hospital due to a lack of space in the neonatal intensive care unit. He mentioned that on the same day, he was informed that his wife and baby were doing well, but the baby would be placed in an incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit for monitoring. H. H. said, "They told me that the neonatal intensive care unit would follow the process regarding the baby. On the morning of November 29, I spoke with a doctor I know as Dursun (Eryılmaz). He said that my baby's heart had stopped 1-2 times during the night, and they had performed CPR to revive him." He later expressed that a person who called him and claimed to be a doctor informed him of his baby's death, stating, "When we arrived at the hospital, they told us that my baby was in the morgue. The staff at the Private Bağcılar Medilife Hospital asked me for ambulance fees, serum, medication, injections, companion fees, admission, and post-delivery mother admission fees during this process, but I did not pay any fees."

Complainant Y. K. stated that in August 2023, his wife S. K. was transferred to the Private Bağcılar Medilife Hospital in Istanbul, which has a neonatal intensive care unit, due to the possibility of premature birth. Y. K. noted that his baby, born on August 15, underwent surgery after being told that the intestines had decayed in the womb and passed away on October 19, 2023, after staying in intensive care for about 2 months. He expressed that he did not feel any irregularities and that he was not charged for the surgery, but he did pay the examination fee for the heart and eye doctor brought from outside.


Complainant B. N. O., a foreign national, stated through an interpreter that on January 14, 2024, he took his 5-month-old daughter to Beylikdüzü Medilife Hospital due to cough and cold symptoms, and after tests were conducted, it was deemed appropriate for the baby to be hospitalized.

B. N. O stated that her baby stayed in a normal room for one day and was transferred to the intensive care unit the next day. At the end of the third day, the doctor said, "This is for one-month-old babies. If your baby stays here, he will die. Find him a new hospital." B. N. O mentioned that the doctor responsible for the intensive care unit directed them to Beylikdüzü First Hospital, which charges a daily fee of 7,000 lira, and said that the baby would recover after two weeks of treatment.


B. N. O, who noted that her baby was transferred by ambulance on January 17 and that she paid the 35,000 lira fee for a 5-day stay in advance, recounted her experience: "They took my baby to the neonatal intensive care unit. I saw that they put him in an incubator. They asked me for some things that I thought were medical supplies. I bought a bottle, shampoo, baby diapers, and some medications. The next day, at 08:00 in the morning, they called and said that my baby's condition was bad and that we needed to come to the hospital. When I went to the hospital, they told me that my baby had died around 06:00 in the morning and that they had tried to revive him but were unsuccessful. When I wanted to see my baby, they showed me my baby's deceased body in the incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit."

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