İşte metnin İngilizce çevirisi, HTML yapısını bozmadan:
Recently, another interesting engagement ceremony shared on social media has been added. This time, the groom candidate, who draws attention with his sad demeanor, is in the spotlight. "POOR THING, MY HEART IS BREAKING"Under the rapidly viral video, comments such as "Wasted lives", "Maybe it's because of happiness, isn't it?", "Poor thing, my heart is breaking", "Unhappy man, poor thing", "You'd think his father forced him to give her away" were made.
Eğer img tagları olsaydı, title ve alt taglerine de çeviri uygulayabilirdim. Ancak mevcut metinde img tagı bulunmamaktadır. Başka bir isteğiniz olursa yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarım!