The waters are not calming down in the İYİ Party. Following the statement made by former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who referred to former İYİ Party Chairman Meral Akşener as a 'collaborator' in the trial he is being prosecuted in, a debate has started; former İYİ Party Migration Policies Chairman and Deputy Chairman Mehmet Tolga Akalın claimed that Akşener wanted to make him a candidate in the 2023 General Elections and stated, "What Kemal Bey is missing is this: Akşener wanted to run against him but withdrew in fear. The collaboration with the government came later," he said. After these statements, Akalın is now in the crosshairs of his party. The party's head of legal and electoral affairs, Hakan Şeref Olgun, reacted to Akalın in a post on his social media account, saying, "The İYİ Party and İYİ Party members do not give way to the ungrateful and will not do so. I want it to be known that we will do what is necessary for the disciplinary referral of those who act contrary to our statute," he stated. "EXPULSION OF AKALIN WILL OPEN A NEW FRONT IN THE PARTY"It has been learned that no steps have yet been taken regarding Akalın's disciplinary process. According to information reported by Merve Kılıç from Cumhuriyet, officials noted that the evaluations made through Akşener have harmed the party rather than Akşener, stating, "There are those who are disturbed by Dervişoğlu's success. Expelling Akalın will open a new front in the party," they commented.