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The neighborhood residents, upon hearing about the scandal, were almost killing the auto mechanic.

The neighborhood residents, upon hearing about the scandal, were almost killing the auto mechanic.

30.09.2024 11:21

A car mechanic in Adana, who abused his 8-year-old male grandson, was nearly lynched by the locals. After receiving treatment, the individual was arrested, while unidentified persons stoned his house and wrote messages on the walls with spray paint, such as "Child molester" and "Only 8 years old."

In Adana, a car mechanic M.M. (62) allegedly sexually assaulted his 8-year-old male grandson E.B., who was preparing to move with his grandmother. The neighborhood attempted to lynch M.M., writing graffiti on the walls of his house with spray paint and throwing stones at his windows. After receiving treatment, M.M. was detained and arrested.

The incident occurred on September 1 in a two-story detached house in the Mahfesığmaz neighborhood of the Çukurova district. E.B., who went to his grandmother F.C.'s house to prepare for moving, accidentally dropped his ball onto the balcony of M.M.'s house while playing in the street. M.M. called E.B. over, saying, "Come, I'll give you your ball." Allegedly, M.M. sexually assaulted E.B. and threatened him not to tell anyone. Unable to share the situation with anyone, E.B. told his grandmother and father O.B. (36) about the incident on September 8.

The neighborhood, upon hearing the scandalous incident, nearly killed the perverted car mechanic


Upon learning of the incident, the neighborhood stormed M.M.'s house. A large group attempted to lynch M.M. as he came out onto the street. Rescued from lynching by police intervention, M.M. was taken to the hospital and, after treatment, was detained upon the complaint of E.B.'s family. After processing at the police station, M.M. was referred to the courthouse and was arrested by the court. Unknown individuals threw stones at M.M.'s house and wrote graffiti on the walls saying "Child molester," "Only 8 years old," and "Justice will be served."

The neighborhood, upon hearing the scandalous incident, nearly killed the perverted car mechanic


The father O.B., explaining that his children's psychology has been disturbed, said, "We learned about the incident later. While we were upset about our delicate and Sıla daughter, this incident happened to us. Now my son is receiving psychological treatment. His wife has been telling the neighbors that we had a disagreement over rent. We want him to receive the punishment he deserves," he said.

The neighborhood, upon hearing the scandalous incident, nearly killed the perverted car mechanic

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