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The old ones know! The days of summer are coming, Istanbul will be scorched again.

The old ones know! The days of summer are coming, Istanbul will be scorched again.

29.07.2024 14:11

The hot days, known as "eyyam-ı bahur", which are seen at the end of July and the beginning of August, are starting. The temperature felt in Istanbul will reach 40 degrees.

Experts have stated that during the eyyam-ı bahur period in the first week of August, the temperature in Istanbul can reach 34-35 degrees Celsius, with a heat index of up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Toros, a faculty member in the Department of Meteorology at Istanbul Technical University, stated that the end of July and the beginning of August have historically been known as eyyam-ı bahur, which means the hottest days. He mentioned that some calendars mark these dates as "July 31-August 7" and others as "August 1-8".


Toros mentioned that these dates are starting to change and said, "This year, we broke a global temperature record on July 21. We are in a period of breaking records. In June, temperatures in Turkey were 3-6 degrees higher than the long-term average. We are now experiencing the hottest days that we used to have at the end of July and the beginning of August. It lasted for a long time this year. The scorching temperatures of Africa have moved northward, including Turkey, due to the high-pressure areas formed over Africa."

Toros emphasized that Africa's heat has affected Turkey since June and said, "We expect this heat to continue in August as well. Although cold waves occasionally occur, the impact of the hot weather is so great that it has almost stopped. The entire southern Europe, Turkey, southern Russia, and Ukraine are affected. The whole region has above-normal temperatures."


Toros reminded that the average daily temperature in Istanbul in July is 24-25 degrees Celsius and stated, "In July, high temperatures have exceeded 30 degrees every day. In this sense, we are experiencing eyyam-ı bahur. The forecasts for the coming days also indicate that the hot weather will continue. In summary, we are experiencing a long eyyam-ı bahur period this year. Looking at past data, temperatures during the eyyam-ı bahur period reach 34-35 degrees Celsius, and the heat index can reach 40 degrees. We also predict temperatures of 34-35 degrees this year."

Toros pointed out that temperature increases are also influenced by global warming and mentioned that temperature records have been broken globally in recent years. He said, "Every last 10 years have become hotter than previous years. The year 2023 was an indicator of this. These temperatures bring many disasters with them, such as forest fires and health effects. Thousands of people in southern Europe have started to die due to the heatwave. We are negatively affected."

Toros warned those who will go outside in this weather and continued, "To avoid negative effects, it is necessary to avoid exhausting tasks during the hours when the temperature is high. Our villages and farmers are accustomed to these conditions and protect their bodies completely. If we can protect our bodies from sunlight and our bodies are accustomed, we should continue working, but if they are not accustomed, we should try to move exhausting tasks outside the hours when the sun's rays are intense. Let's stay in shaded areas so that we are not affected by the oppressive weather. Especially disadvantaged groups, the elderly, and children are more affected by this weather."

Elders know! Eyyam-ı bahur is coming, Istanbul will be scorching again


Dr. Güven Özdemir, a faculty member and meteorology expert at Istanbul Aydın University, reminded that eyyam-ı bahur is a hot and humid weather pattern. He stated that this name should not be used to describe a temperature as a disaster. Özdemir mentioned that temperatures have increased by 2-3 degrees since the end of July. He stated that rain is expected in Marmara and Western Black Sea on Tuesday and said, "Local showers will occur. We are experiencing strong northerly winds, and this will continue. After the passage of rain on Tuesday, temperatures will be 3-4 degrees above the seasonal norms. The perceived temperatures over the metropolises will be even higher. Temperatures can reach 34-35 degrees, and there is a possibility that the heat index, like in previous days, can reach 40 degrees."


Özdemir pointed out that the perceived temperatures are slightly higher in areas with heavy traffic and skyscrapers and said, "In metropolises, where there are fewer forests, dense buildings, unplanned urbanization, and a high population, as well as high air conditioning usage, these factors will increase the perceived temperature. August will be hotter than July. We can experience hot weather for up to 10 days with the winds."

Elders know! Eyyam-ı bahur is coming, Istanbul will be scorching again


Özdemir stated that they will be affected by the hot air mass coming from Africa and emphasized that heatwaves have a greenhouse effect. He said, "Forest fires are very important; forests are our lungs. They are our breathing places, but forests can catch fire due to the effect of hot weather. When the wind blows a little stronger, unfortunately, the spread also occurs. Our people need to be very sensitive about this. We strongly advise against lighting fires in forests."

Özdemir also mentioned that the seas are warm and said, "When the wind starts blowing from the north, humidity starts to increase, and it becomes suffocating for the city and people. Due to the haphazard construction of buildings in our cities, tall buildings, and contiguous structures, as well as the high population, temperatures and humidity increase intensively."

Özdemir warned especially the elderly, chronically ill patients, pregnant women, and children and said, "It is necessary not to go outside between 10:00 and 17:00. If it is necessary to go out, light-colored hats and clothes are necessary. They should spend time in shaded areas along with umbrellas. They need to ventilate their homes naturally. Air conditioning can be uncomfortable because it traps cold air inside and accumulates hot air outside. If they go to the seaside, they must spend time in the shade."

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