A 65-year-old woman in the city of Manipal, India, got stuck on a rusty metal rod measuring 60 cm after falling in the field. Tomography images showed that the rod entered the woman's hip and advanced to her abdomen. The incident occurred on a dark and rainy morning when the woman went out to graze her cows. The woman explained, "My cow suddenly became restless and started pulling me. I lost my balance and fell onto one of the rods. Everything happened in an instant." Miraculously, the rusty and manure-covered rod did not cause any harm to vital organs. The woman was taken to the hospital by her neighbor and later transferred to a specialized center. Here, she was examined by doctors from Kasturba Medical College. In an emergency surgery, doctors carefully removed the rod. The operation lasted for two hours. After the surgery, the woman received antibiotics and physiotherapy. She was given a tetanus shot and discharged 10 days later. Doctors stated that the case was rare: "Since the object entered the retroperitoneum by piercing the rectum directly, none of the major internal organs or vascular structures were damaged. This is a very rare occurrence in impalement cases." During a follow-up visit three months later, it was observed that the woman had fully recovered. The 65-year-old woman said, "I feel much better now. I am grateful to all the doctors and nurses."