A police officer who joined the channel through a video chat site drew great criticism for making inappropriate gestures as soon as he saw the woman in front of him. "HOW IS THIS A POLICE OFFICER?"The woman, who couldn't make sense of the officer's actions, expressed her reaction by saying, "How will you ensure our safety? How is this a police officer? Are you a traffic cop? I will report you." INVESTIGATION INITIATEDThe General Directorate of Security (EGM) announced that the uniformed person who engaged in inappropriate behavior in a video shared on a social media platform was identified as a police officer and was suspended and an administrative investigation was initiated. In the statement made by the General Directorate of Security, it was stated, "It has been determined that the uniformed person in question in the video shared on a social media platform is Police Officer M.A. The said person has been suspended and an administrative investigation has been initiated. Respectfully announced to the public."