06.02.2025 10:20
According to the data announced by TÜİK today, the population residing in Turkey has increased by 292,567 people compared to the previous year, reaching 85,664,944 as of December 31, 2024. The male population is 42,853,110, while the female population is 42,811,834.
According to the data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), the population of Turkey increased by 292,567 people compared to the previous year, reaching 85 million 664 thousand 944 people.
The male population was 42 million 853 thousand 110, while the female population was 42 million 811 thousand 834. In other words, men constituted 50.02% of the total population, while women made up 49.98%.
According to the results of the Address-Based Population Registration System (ADNKS), the foreign population residing in our country(1) decreased by 89,996 people compared to the previous year, reaching 1 million 480 thousand 547. Of this population, 48.3% were men and 51.7% were women. The annual population growth rate was 1.1 per thousand in 2023, while it increased to 3.4 per thousand in 2024.
The proportion of people living in provincial and district centers, which was 93% in 2023, increased to 93.4% in 2024. On the other hand, the proportion of people living in towns and villages decreased from 7% to 6.6%.
67.2% of our population lived in areas classified as dense urban.
With the implementation of the Spatial Address Registration System (MAKS), a new classification has been created that more accurately reflects the actual urban-rural structure, distinguishing between "dense urban, medium dense urban, and rural"(2).
According to this classification, it was observed that 67.2% of the Turkish population lived in areas classified as dense urban, 15.5% in medium dense urban, and 17.2% in rural areas.
In our country, while a decrease in the population of 10 provinces was observed in 2023 compared to the previous year, it was noted that the population of 40 provinces decreased in 2024.
The population of Istanbul increased by 45,678 people compared to the previous year, reaching 15 million 701 thousand 602. Istanbul, where 18.3% of the Turkish population resides, was followed by Ankara with 5 million 864 thousand 49, Izmir with 4 million 493 thousand 242, Bursa with 3 million 238 thousand 618, and Antalya with 2 million 722 thousand 103.
Bayburt was the province with the smallest population, with 83,676 people. It was followed by Tunceli with 86,612 people, Ardahan with 91,354 people, Gümüşhane with 142,617 people, and Kilis with 156,739 people.
Population pyramids are defined as graphs that show the changes in the age and gender structure of the population. When comparing Turkey's population pyramids for the years 2007 and 2024, it is seen that the elderly population has increased and the median age has risen due to the decrease in fertility and mortality rates.
The median age is the age of the person who remains in the middle when the ages of the individuals making up the population, from newborns to the oldest, are arranged from youngest to oldest. The median age is also one of the important indicators used in interpreting the age structure of the population.
In Turkey, the median age, which was 34 in 2023, increased to 34.4 in 2024. When examined by gender, it was observed that the median age for men rose from 33.2 to 33.7, while for women it increased from 34.7 to 35.2.
When looking at the distribution of median age by provinces, it was found that Sinop had the highest median age value at 43.4. It was followed by Giresun and Kastamonu with 42.9. On the other hand, Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age at 21.4. Şanlıurfa was followed by Şırnak with 23 and Ağrı and Siirt with 24.5.
When examining the distribution of median age by provinces and gender, Sinop had the highest median age for men at 42.5, while Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age at 21. For women, Sinop again had the highest median age value at 44.3, while Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age value at 21.9.
When examining the distribution of marital status by gender in our country for the years 2009 and 2024, it was found that the proportion of never-married men was higher than that of women, while the proportion of widowed and divorced women was higher than that of men. On the other hand, it was observed that the proportion of married individuals, who make up the majority, was similar for both genders in 2009 and 2024.
The proportion of the population defined as the working age group (15-64 years) was 66.5% in 2007 and increased to 68.4% in 2024. On the other hand, the proportion of the population defined as the child age group (0-14 years) decreased from 26.4% to 20.9%, while the proportion of the population aged 65 and older increased from 7.1% to 10.6%.
The total dependency ratio, which shows the number of children and elderly individuals per working-age individual, was 46.3% in 2023 and decreased to 46.1% in 2024. The child dependency ratio, which expresses the number of children per working-age individual, decreased from 31.4% to 30.6%, while the elderly dependency ratio, which measures the number of elderly individuals per working-age individual, increased from 15% to 15.5%. In other words, in Turkey in 2024, every 100 working-age individuals are responsible for 30.6 children and 15.5 elderly individuals.
The population density, defined as "the number of people per square kilometer," was 111 people across Turkey. Istanbul had the highest population density with 2,934 people per square kilometer. It was followed by Kocaeli with 623 people and Yalova, which has the smallest area, with 390 people.
The province with the lowest population density was Tunceli, with 11 people per square kilometer, the same as the previous year. It was followed by Ardahan with 19 people and Erzincan and Gümüşhane with 21 people each. On the other hand, Konya, which ranks first in terms of area size, had a population density of 59.