It is claimed that Netflix's new popular series Baby Reindeer was written inspired by Fiona Harvey. While the series has caused a wide echo worldwide, Harvey also threatened to sue Netflix in a television interview. "THEY PORTRAYED ME AS GUILTY"After Netflix introduced the series as a "true story," the claim that the character Marta was written inspired by Fiona Harvey started to be discussed more. Harvey, who is uncomfortable with appearing as an obsessed fan, filed a $170 million lawsuit against Netflix, claiming that the character misrepresented her as a convicted criminal. WHAT IS BABY REINDEER SERIES ABOUT?'Baby Reindeer', adapted from Richard Gadd's autobiographical one-man show of the same name, which is also the lead role and creator of the series, focuses on Martha, played by Jessica Gunning, who stalks and harasses Richard Gadd for several years. In the series, Gadd portrays a failed comedian character named Donny Dunn. Donny encounters a woman named Martha Scott in a bar where he works in Camden and offers her a cup of tea. However, this small gesture gradually turns into Donny's worst nightmare.