The teams of the Financial Crimes Investigation Department of the Istanbul Police Department, which continue their work within the framework of the investigation conducted by the Büyükçekmece Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and known to the public as the 'Newborn Gang', detained 5 doctors, 5 healthcare workers, 3 nurses, and 1 person on December 4, who they identified as acting together with gang leader Fırat Sarı. A summary of the investigation prepared against 18 suspects identified in the ongoing investigation has been completed. PRISON SENTENCE REQUESTED FROM 2 TO 4 YEARSIn the summary, a prison sentence of 2 to 4 years was requested for Mustafa Kemal Zengin, who threatened Public Prosecutor Yavuz Engin in his office, for the crime of 'aiding an organization established for the purpose of committing a crime'. It was also noted that the investigation regarding the threat to the prosecutor in his office is ongoing. For the other 16 suspects, varying prison sentences were requested for various crimes. DEFENSE THAT MAKES YOU SAY "UNBELIEVABLE"On the other hand, the statement of Mustafa Kemal Zengin, who threatened the public prosecutor in his office, emerged in the prepared summary. Zengin stated, "I apologize to the Turkish nation and the Turkish state for the misunderstanding of my tone. I did not go to my prosecutor with the intention of threatening. I only shared my predictions with him. I introduce myself as a consultant to everyone, and I correct those who call me undersecretary by saying consultant. However, they continue to call me undersecretary. There is nothing I can do about that," he said. When asked, "How did you come to know so much about the public prosecutor?" Mustafa Kemal Zengin replied, "I only know as much as Yavuz Çelik told me. The other things I said are completely due to my loose tongue. The situation has come to this point because I exaggerated the incident a bit. I have nothing else to add."