An shocking incident occurred in the city of Jhansi, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Kuldeep Yadav, a teacher caught watching an obscene video on his phone during class, severely beat the student who noticed this. The student's father, Jay Prakash, stated in an interview with NDTV: "The students' reaction angered Mr. Yadav. He insulted my son and beat him brutally. He grabbed my son's hair, slammed his head against the wall, and hit him with a stick. My son has injuries on his body, including his ear. I have filed a complaint with the police against the teacher." Rural Area Police Chief Gopinath Soni confirmed that the teacher has been taken into custody for questioning and that an investigation has been initiated. Soni said, "We are investigating the incident of an eight-year-old child being beaten by his class teacher." A similar incident occurred in September. An 11-year-old student was punished by his teacher for not tucking his shirt into his pants. In footage captured by security cameras and went viral on social media, the teacher was seen entering the classroom and beating the sixth-grade student. According to a report shared by Pune Mirror on Instagram, the student was bleeding from his nose and ears. Following the incident at the school in the Maharshinagar area, families sought help from the MNS Party (Maharashtra Navnirman Sena).