Theolog writer Ali Rıza Demircan answered a striking question. Demircan, in his column on Mirat Haber, responded to a reader's questions: "Is it permissible for me to sell the paintings I draw and earn income from it?", "What is your opinion on the prohibition of making live portraits?" and "What is the ruling on the money I earned previously?" Demircan's answer is as follows: "MAKING PICTURES IS PERMISSIBLE""As long as it does not lead to idolatry and immorality, making any picture, including live portraits, is not forbidden. In the early periods of Islam, a temporary prohibition was imposed to block the paths of idolatry. In our time, there seems to be no harm in taking pictures or making images of living beings leading to idolatry. The source that our religion's Prophet is also obliged to practice is the QUR'AN. There is no prohibition in the Qur'an, which is the Book of our Lord. "UNLESS FOR WORSHIP, STATUES CAN ALSO BE MADE"The Qur'an narrates the breaking of statues by Prophet Ibrahim. However, the breaking of the statues is due to the fact that it is a matter of worship. Because in the Qur'an, it is positively stated that the jinn made statues for Prophet Solomon. This explanation is also an example for us. (SABA' 13) Continue your work without interruption. Some of our teachers who cannot view the subject from the Qur'anic perspective have caused us to be indifferent to some fine arts. Do not pay attention to them. Your earnings are also permissible. I have a booklet that I want to print for my foundation related to horses. I kindly request that you either create a horse painting for us or select and send a beautiful horse painting. May Allah increase our Islamic sensitivity and be our helper."