The trial of 47 defendants, including the leader of the Newborn Gang, Fırat Sarı, and İlker Gönen, continues on its third day, with 22 of them in custody. Due to the insufficient capacity of the 22nd Heavy Criminal Court Hall of Bakırköy Courthouse, the hearing was held in a conference hall. Present at the hearing were 22 detained defendants, including Fırat Sarı and İlker Gönen, 17 non-detained defendants, and the lawyers of the parties. Some non-detained defendants participated via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from courthouses in their respective cities. DEFENSE OF THE DOCTOR DEFENDANT WAS TAKENIn the trial of the baby killer gang that deeply shook Turkey, the defense was taken from the detained defendant, Doctor Rıza Keykubat, who is held responsible for the death of baby Kaya. Keykubat, who claims to have been a doctor for 20 years, said, "I have never been a suspect or defendant in any investigation until now. Despite having no connection to the events in the file, I am devastated to be here in front of you." "I TRUST TURKISH JUSTICE, I AM UNJUSTLY DETAINED"The defendant doctor, who stated that he never saw baby Kaya, said, "I am being held responsible for the death of a baby I have never seen. I am accused of being in the same organization with people I have never met. I trust Turkish justice and believe that my unjust detention will come to an end. I am unjustly detained." "THEY CALLED A DOCTOR BECAUSE THEY THOUGHT THE BABY WOULD DIE"The defendant doctor, who stated that he never worked at Güney Hospital, said, "Baby Kaya died on the night of November 15-16. My wife had not started working at that hospital yet. I will prove my innocence. There were conversations about them looking for a doctor at the hospital because they thought the baby born on the 13th would die." "I HAVE NO INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT THE HOSPITAL THAT NIGHT"Claiming that a serious game was played against him and his wife, Keykubat said, "On the day of the incident, a nurse from Güney Hospital called me. She said a baby was deteriorating. I told her that I had not yet started working at that hospital and that she should call the responsible doctor. I have no information about what happened at the hospital that night. I did not direct the nurse. I informed the competent authorities." IT WAS ALLEGED THAT HE SAID "PULL THE PLUG"In the indictment, it is alleged that Rıza Keykubat told nurse Batuhan, "Pull the plug" regarding baby Kaya. Keykubat responded, "I wish patience to the baby's family. I am a father too. As a doctor for 20 years, I know very well the words that come out of my mouth. Can such a sentence be used for a patient? If there is a chance of survival for every patient, I will apply all kinds of treatment. What is reported in the media does not reflect the truth. It is a lie and a slander. All my accounts can be examined; I did not take money from anyone. I do not know any of these people." The defendant, who claimed he was slandered, said, "The only reason for my arrest is that two nurses mentioned my name in a conversation among themselves." "KAYA'S FATHER CARRIED HIS BABY IN A BISCUIT BOX FOR 1.5 HOURS AFTER TAKING IT FROM THE MORGUE"After the defense, the lawyer of baby Kaya's family reacted to Dr. Rıza Keykubat, who said, "I have a 10-year-old son, I request my release." The lawyer stated, "The defendant is creating an impression by stating that he has a 10-year-old child. Kaya's father had to carry his baby from the morgue in a biscuit box for 1.5 hours. However, it is Kaya's mother and father who experienced the trauma." WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST 2 DAYS?On the first day of the trial, detained defendant nurse Hakan Doğukan Taşçı stated in his defense that he accepted one or two of the actions he took and honestly gave his statement, while denying some of the accusations against him. Taşçı claimed that all hospitals were inspected, but the nurses suffered from the problems of the inspections, and he noted: "I have not earned a single penny. In 70% of hospitals, there is no doctor in the intensive care unit at night. If we intervene, they say, 'Why did you intervene?' If we do not intervene, they say, 'How could you not intervene?' They pressure Fırat Sarı to keep the number of patients high to earn more money. Every hospital owner wants to make money. We do not decide how many days a patient will stay. The doctor decides. The SGK pays 9,500 lira for a drug that needs to be used for the lung development of babies. If the hospital buys it in bulk, it costs 7,000 lira. The more you use this drug, the more money you get from SGK. There were excess drugs. We discussed this with Fırat Sarı. It was to be sold instead of going to waste. He approved it. Hasan Basri was collecting it, bringing it to me, and I was selling it. We did this selling business three times. The maximum commission I received was 4-5 thousand lira, but I believe Fırat Sarı received 40 thousand lira." "THE MORE FULL THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT, THE MORE MONEY HOSPITALS MAKE"Hakan Doğukan Taşçı stated that he sometimes intervened with babies in emergencies, saying, "For example, intubation should be done by a doctor, but when the doctor is not in the unit, I sometimes did it. The more full the intensive care unit is, the more money hospitals make." "WE DETERMINED A PATIENT LIST ACCORDING TO OUR OWN CRITERIA"Taşçı said, "We determined a patient list according to our own criteria, based on how this child is, there is a step list patient template and a bad patient template, they did not want us to write it down. These were not true. We were only making a sheet list. We did not report it to SGK. A patient who was intubated for 5 days was shown as 10 days. If a patient was intubated for three days, SGK pays more. Therefore, we were writing more intubations to get more money from SGK. It is a drug used by babies. It needs to be used to ensure lung development. There was an excess of these drugs. It was not a matter of not giving these drugs to the patient. SGK pays 9,500 lira for these drugs. The hospital makes more money when bought in bulk. These drugs were accumulating in the cupboard and were not given to the patients. İlaçların çöpe gideceğine satılması konusunda Fırat Sarı ile konuştuk. Hasan, hastaneden paraları topluyordu bizde satışları yapıyorduk. Reyap Hastanesi, TRG Hastanesi'nden alındığını söyleyebilirim ama özellikle şu kişiden alınıyordu diyemem. SGK'yı dolandırmak gibi bir amacım yok" diye konuştu. "HE WAS EARNING 5 THOUSAND LIRA FROM OUT-OF-CITY TRANSFERS"Duruşmanın 2. gününde kürsüye ilk olarak gelen Fırat Sarı'nın hemşiresi Hasan Basri Gök, bebeklerin 112'ye bildirilmeden sevk yapıldığını itiraf ederek Serdar Yüksel'in il dışı sevklerden 5 bin lira kazandığını söyledi. Mahkeme Başkanı: What do you know about baby transfers? Sanık: Baby transfers were done by Fırat Sarı, İlker Gönen, and Mert Özdemir. Mahkeme Başkanı: How did they receive them? Sanık: Fırat Sarı had doctors he knew; he was getting the babies from them. Mahkeme Başkanı: Why? Sanık: To make money. Mahkeme Başkanı: How was this done without informing 112? Sanık: It was done through the doctors. Mahkeme Başkanı: Were they making money? Sanık: They were making money, but I didn't see anything with my own eyes. Serdar was earning 5 thousand lira from out-of-city transfers. İlker and Fırat were already the managers. COURT PRESIDENT: YOU TOLD HER TO KILL THE BABYMahkeme Başkanı, Hasan Basri Gök'e Mehtap hemşire ile aralarında geçen "Bebeği öldür" diyaloğunu sordu: Mahkeme Başkanı: You have a conversation with nurse Mehtap about killing the baby. Sanık: It's an ugly sentence. I expressed my opinion. Mahkeme Başkanı: Did you do that? Sanık: There was a situation that caused the baby's heart to stop and come back constantly, that's why. Mahkeme Başkanı: Is this what should normally be done? You told Mehtap to "kill the baby." Sanık: (Response not provided.) "THE BABY WOULD BE ALIVE NOW"Mahkeme Başkanı: What do you know about the death of the baby Opara? Sanık: I saw the WhatsApp conversations. Mahkeme Başkanı: Between whom? Sanık: Tuğçe and Doğukan. They didn't notice. Mahkeme Başkanı: They didn't notice, or they couldn't notice? Sanık: They couldn't notice, otherwise the baby would be alive now. OBJECTION FROM THE MINISTRY'S LAWYER TO THE QUESTION "DOES 112 HAVE A HAND IN THIS?"During the trial, the defendant Hasan Basri Gök was asked whether "112 has a hand in this matter?" The lawyer of the Ministry of Health objected to the question. The court panel accepted the objection and the question was not asked. The lawyers of defendant Gök stated, "He has contributed to the case reaching this stage by making confessions. Therefore, we request that he be tried without detention." "FIRAT SARI TAKES A 40% PROFIT"Mahkeme Başkanı, sanık hemşir Deniz Korkmaz'a da sorular yöneltti: Mahkeme Başkanı: You have given a statement to the prosecutor's office. Deniz Korkmaz: I told everything I knew. Mahkeme Başkanı: One minute, are your statements correct? Deniz Korkmaz: I told everything I heard, saw, and knew. Mahkeme Başkanı: You said that Fırat Sarı takes a 40% profit in the system he established. Deniz Korkmaz: Yes, that is correct.