Today, with the announcement of the December 2024 rate by the Turkish Statistical Institute, the inflation difference for the July-December period has become clear. Thus, increases have occurred in many payments, especially in pensions and salaries for civil servants, including widow and orphan pensions. As is known, widow and orphan pensions are paid at a rate of 75% if there are no children of the deceased insured, and at a rate of 50% if there are children. HOW MUCH IS THE INCREASED WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSION?The widow and orphan pension has been increased with the rise in the lowest pension amount. A 15.75% increase has been made to the pensions of those who are insured under SSK, Bağ-Kur, and agricultural pensions. A base pension of around 14,500 TL is expected for SSK and Bağkur retirees. Civil servants and civil servant retirees have received an increase of 11.55% in their salaries. WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSION RATESWhen determining widow and orphan pensions, if the deceased retiree has no children, 75% of their pension is granted to the spouse. If there are children, 50% is granted to the spouse, and 25% is granted to each child. However, the total amount granted cannot exceed the pension amount. HOW MUCH WAS THE CURRENT WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSION? (EXAMPLE CALCULATION)If calculated based on the lowest pension amount of 12,500 TL, if the deceased person has no children, 75% of this amount is granted, which amounts to 9,375 TL. If the deceased person has children, half of the pension, which is 6,250 TL, is granted to the spouse. The remaining amount is distributed to 2 children at 3,125 TL each. If the deceased person has 4 children, 10,000 TL is granted to the spouse, and 2,500 TL is granted to each of the 4 children. With a 25% share: 3,125 TL With a 50% share: 6,250 TL With a 75% share: 9,375 TL WHEN WILL THE INCREASED WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSION BE PAID?Widow and orphan pension payments are deposited into accounts on specific dates each month. The payment dates for widow and orphan pensions may vary. There is no official statement regarding whether the increased pensions will be ready in January. However, if the increased pension payments do not occur in January, it is expected that the payment differences will be deposited by February at the latest. Details will be added when an official statement regarding the matter is made. WHAT ARE THE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR WIDOW AND ORPHAN PENSIONS?To receive widow and orphan pensions, certain conditions must be met. The insured must be under 4(a) (SSK) or 4(b) (BAĞ-KUR). Application procedures can be made to the Social Security Provincial or Central Directorates with the Income/Monthly/Allowance Request Document. WHO CAN BENEFIT?The following conditions must be met for widow and orphan pensions to be granted: Disability, old age, and death insurance premium: At least 1,800 days must have been paid. Insurance duration: For insured individuals under 4(a), at least 5 years of insurance must have been completed, with a total of 900 days of insurance premium paid. Continue to follow the current information about widow and orphan pensions with the increases to be made in 2025.