A foreign couple brought by two people in a private vehicle to a taxi stand near Uludağ University campus in the Nilüfer district of Bursa asked taxi driver Derya Aytekin to take them urgently to Bursa City Hospital. GAVE BIRTH IN THE TAXIWhile Aytekin was trying to quickly get the couple to the emergency room, the woman, who was found to be a foreign national, gave birth to her baby in the back seat of the taxi while it was in motion. Taxi driver Derya Aytekin, who witnessed the birth that took place in her taxi, shared the events with DHA reporter. Aytekin said, "This morning, around 6:00 AM, a car came in front of our taxi stand. Two people got out of the vehicle. They called out 'taxi' in a hurried manner. It was my turn. I immediately went outside. They said they needed an urgent taxi to go to Bursa City Hospital. I didn't know what was happening inside the car. The people who came to me were also foreign nationals. They asked me to call an ambulance. I asked why they didn't go there. They wanted to get into the taxi," she said. "I REALIZED THE CHILD WAS BORN WHEN I LOOKED BACK"Aytekin, who said she pulled her taxi next to the private vehicle, stated, "The man who got out of the car laid the woman on the back seat of the taxi. I was suspicious of the situation but didn't fully understand what was happening. I quickly set off towards the hospital. When I looked back, the man was trying to convince his wife. I asked if his wife was pregnant. He said, 'Yes, brother.' I didn't hear any screams from the mother. She didn't seem to be in pain. While driving, I looked back and realized the child was born. I was surprised as well. I experienced something like this for the first time in my life. The father excitedly said, 'The baby is here.' The baby cried at first, then stopped. Apparently, the father hit the baby to make it breathe. When the baby didn't make a sound, the father started saying, 'The baby is dead.' When there was no sound from the baby and the mother, I got worried too. I quickly went to the emergency room of the nearby City Hospital. I called the nurses, and they provided the first aid to the mother and baby inside the car. They cut and wrapped the baby's umbilical cord. The nurses said, 'The baby is doing well. It's a boy.' They laid the mother on a stretcher and took her inside. The father thanked me. I said, 'May God raise them with their parents' for getting them to the hospital," she expressed. "I JOKED THAT THEY WOULD NAME THE BABY AFTER ME, DERYA"Aytekin, who said she shared the events with her friends when she returned to the stand, stated, "My friends were also surprised by the situation. I have four grandchildren. I told my friends, 'I have one more grandchild now.' I joked that they would name the baby after me, Derya. The birth happened very comfortably inside the car. I encountered something like this for the first time. A beautiful baby was born in the taxi. The child, mother, and father were healthy. I was very happy to hear this news. If such an event happens to me again, I am now experienced. It is my duty to take them urgently to the nearest hospital. I felt very proud and pleased. I took a video and a photo to immortalize this moment. I wanted to have evidence in case something happens in the future. I want to show this to my grandchildren later," she said.