The Kurdish warning texts written on pedestrian crossings by Van Metropolitan Municipality were overwritten with the phrase "Turkey is Turkish and will remain Turkish". Following the incident, the Metropolitan Municipality announced that legal proceedings would be initiated against those responsible while rewriting the Kurdish texts. "TURKEY IS TURKISH AND WILL REMAIN TURKISH" WRITTEN ON KURDISH WARNING TEXTSThe Traffic Services Branch Directorate, affiliated with the Transportation Department of Van Metropolitan Municipality, wrote warning texts in Kurdish, which means "Pedestrian first" in addition to Turkish. Last night, unidentified individuals or persons wrote the phrase "Turkey is Turkish and will remain Turkish" on top of the Kurdish warning texts. STATEMENT FROM THE MUNICIPALITYFollowing the incident that caused unrest in the city, Van Metropolitan Municipality made a statement. The statement emphasized that the attack was unacceptable and legal proceedings would be initiated against those responsible. The statement included the following expressions: "As Van Metropolitan Municipality, we aim to develop our work in line with the cosmopolitan structure of our city. "ATTACKS WILL NOT PREVENT OUR MULTILINGUAL ACTIVITIES"Within this framework, Kurdish has been added to the warning signs on city roads as part of our multilingual municipal activities. This work has received great appreciation from the public. However, these warning signs were subjected to an ugly attack by racist groups who cannot digest the rich culture of our country and city. First of all, we condemn this attack. Such an attack on the Kurdish language, which is used by a large part of the city's population, is unacceptable. Furthermore, these types of attacks will not prevent our multilingual activities." KURDISH TEXTS REWRITTENMeanwhile, the teams rewrote the Kurdish warning texts. The Transportation Department of the Metropolitan Municipality intensified its efforts to spread traffic warning texts throughout the city.