11.03.2025 16:10
Regarding Mansur Yavaş's candidacy for the presidency, when asked about his statement, "When the time comes, we will assess the situation and the conditions in Turkey on that day, and if necessary, we will share our opinion on this matter with the entire Turkish public," CHP leader Özel responded, "I don't have that much time," thus brushing off the situation.
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Yesterday, the Mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavaş, made a striking statement at the iftar program organized by the Beypazarı Municipality at the Cultural Center.
Regarding his candidacy for the presidency, Yavaş stated, "We have stayed out of political discussions and will continue to do so because there are at least 2.5-3 years, maybe more, until the presidential election. First and foremost, we will continue to serve the people of Ankara. Therefore, we are not in a position to disrupt the services here for a presidential election whose date is not yet clear. When the time comes, we will assess the situation and the conditions of Turkey on that day, and if necessary, we will share our opinion on this matter with the entire public of Turkey. Our priority is Ankara, our priority is the welfare of the people living in Ankara."
After this statement, the eyes turned to the CHP Chairman Özgür Özel, who, after a group meeting in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, was asked by a journalist, "What would you like to say about Mansur Yavaş's statement?" Özel brushed off the question by saying, "I don't have that much time," and continued on his way.
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