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They left one at each shop! The "morning opening" envelope that surprised the shopkeepers.

They left one at each shop! The

27.09.2024 16:03

In Antalya, shopkeepers who came to open their stores in the morning were surprised to find envelopes left inside. While some of the envelopes contained only 5 TL, others included not only money but also a blessing prayer for a prosperous start to the day, written on a note.

The shopkeepers were astonished when they encountered an envelope containing 5 TL left at their shops in the Serik district of Antalya.

The incident occurred in the Central Neighborhood of the Serik district. The shopkeepers arriving at their businesses found envelopes left at their shops. While some envelopes contained only 5 TL, others included a blessing prayer for prosperity written on a note along with the money.

They left one at each shop! The 'morning opening' envelope that surprised the shopkeepers


Ahmet Lale, a barber, stated that he encountered such an event for the first time, saying, "I came in the morning and found an envelope left in my shop. Inside the envelope was 5 TL. The same envelopes were also placed at the doors of my neighbors. We don’t know who put them there. May God bless the person who did this. We will hang this up now. I have never encountered such a thing before. Since today is Friday, someone might have wanted to do a good deed, but the fact that 5 TL was left in an envelope like this surprised us. If it had been more, at least we could have had a nice breakfast," he said.

They left one at each shop! The 'morning opening' envelope that surprised the shopkeepers

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