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Threat from Narin's relatives! "Actually, we need to kill you."

Threat from Narin's relatives!

09.09.2024 22:10

Following the deepening of the investigation after the sad news from Narin, new developments have emerged as it was learned that Narin's relatives threatened the journalist Ferit Demir, who was closely following the developments in the region. Demir, while describing the incident, used the following statements: "Today, someone approached me at the cemetery and said, 'Actually, we should kill you, why are you saying these things?'"

The investigation into the discovery of Narin Güran's lifeless body is being thoroughly examined. As the investigation deepens, numerous individuals have been detained. On the other hand, it has been learned today that Narin's relatives have threatened a journalist in the area. The threat incident brings to mind the footage of a woman, who is said to be Narin's relative, shouting at the crowd in front of the funeral waiting room, saying, 'Go on, speak lies.' The woman was silenced by a man next to her, who punched her.

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'


Narin Güran, an 8-year-old girl who went missing in Bağlar district of Diyarbakır and whose lifeless body was found in a stream bed 19 days later, was buried in her village today. As part of the investigation into the incident, 25 people, including family members, were detained, and a series of confessions were made regarding the detained uncle Salim Güran.


The suspect, who was arrested after it was determined that he went to the riverside with his vehicle, said during interrogation, "The mayor (Narin's uncle) gave me the body in a sack. I took the sack and took it to the stream." The secret witness also said that the uncle offered him 200,000 TL to get rid of the body. The secret witness, who said that he went home and prayed after disposing of the body, and then participated in the search efforts, confessed that Salim Güran took part in the search efforts as a guide.

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'


The preliminary autopsy report of Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found in a sack in a stream bed 19 days after she went missing in Bağlar district, was revealed at Diyarbakır Forensic Medicine Institute. According to the report, a flute bone, which is considered to belong to the body, was found in the sack where Narin was found, 91 samples were taken from the lifeless body, and it was stated that the cause and time of death could not be determined due to the onset of decay. It was stated in the report that the definitive cause of death would be determined by the molecular examinations, pathological studies, and examinations to be conducted on the samples sent to Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute. The report stated:

"Before the integrity of the body was compromised and before the body was removed from the sack, endoscopic procedures were performed, necessary examinations were conducted under the supervision of radiology and forensic medicine specialists, biological evidence and swab samples were taken from every part of the body in detail, samples were taken from the body, including all tissues, to reveal any kind of crime, including abuse, a total of 91 samples were taken, and then the body was subjected to endoscopic procedures again before being taken to the autopsy room.

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'

All the autopsy procedures mentioned above were carried out in accordance with the rules, with camera recordings made, the body was opened by Forensic Medicine Specialists, there was a detachment from the left leg knee cap, a possible flute bone, which is considered to belong to the body, was preserved, other bone fragments were also taken, and they were sent together to Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute. It was stated that the cause of the detachment in the leg could only be resolved through examination here, necessary examinations were conducted on the internal organs and samples were taken, samples were taken from almost every tissue of the body, pathological studies were required to be conducted on the samples taken from the body, chemical examinations were carried out on the hair tissue samples, and it was stated that it was not possible to make a concrete statement due to the significant decay in the body at this stage, no visible evidence of incised or penetrating wounds or internal bleeding was obtained, and it was not possible to make a statement about the time of death due to the decay in the body, and it was stated by the Forensic Medicine Board that the definitive cause of death would be determined by the molecular examinations, pathological studies, and examinations to be conducted on the samples sent to Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute."

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'


The footage of one of Narin's relatives turning to the crowd in front of the funeral waiting room and shouting, "Go on, speak lies, okay?" had attracted attention. In the footage, first the woman next to her and then a man tried to silence Narin's relative. A man punched the woman who shouted "Speak lies" once again.

Today, it was also learned that Narin's relatives in Diyarbakır threatened Reporter Ferit Demir, who closely follows the developments in the region. Demir, who said that he changes his location in every broadcast, stated, "Today, someone approached me at the cemetery and said, 'Actually, we should kill you, why are you saying these things?'" In his statement, Demir said the following: "It is not a logical approach for a member of parliament to say 'We know a lot but we cannot tell.' We have told what we know to the security units. As journalists, we have expressed our suspicions, the possible situation, and that the mayor has been the main suspect since the second day."

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'


We haven't mentioned this until today because we have been telling the truth.I'm sorry, but I am unable to translate the HTML code without breaking it. However, I can provide you with the translation of the text you provided:

"I'm telling you this because it's delicate. I keep changing my location in every broadcast. They threaten me by saying that I'm telling the truth. Today, someone approached me at the cemetery and said, 'Actually, we should kill you, why are you saying these things?' Did we step back? Why should we? There is Narin, there is a young child. We tried to find out what happened to Narin, we didn't step back. Someone tried to attack in front of the Forensic Medicine, we didn't broadcast it. "

Threat from Narin's relatives! 'Actually, we should kill you'


On August 21, Narin Güran, who went to the Quran course in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district, did not return home after the course, so her family searched for her on their own. When they couldn't find her, Narin's father, Arif Güran, reported her missing on the same day around 20:00. As a result, many search and rescue teams were dispatched to the area and searches were conducted in the houses in the neighborhood and the vehicles entering the village.

While the search was ongoing, Narin Güran's brother, E. G. (18), was detained due to bite marks on his arm. After the examination at Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute, when it couldn't be determined whether the bite marks belonged to Narin or not, E. G. was released.

Then, Narin's uncle, who is also the muhtar (village head) of rural Tavşantepe neighborhood, Salim Güran, was detained. Salim Güran, whose DNA samples taken from his car matched the DNA samples on Narin's clothes, was arrested for the crimes of 'intentional killing' and 'deprivation of liberty'.

The teams, who focused on previously searched areas again, conducted a search in Eğertutmaz Stream, 2 kilometers away from the neighborhood, and found Narin's lifeless body on the 19th day. It was determined that Narin was killed and then thrown into the stream in a sack, and her body was covered with stones.


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