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Trump Mixes Up His Doctor's Name After Boasting On Having Taken Cognitive Test

17.06.2024 18:42

Criticizing President Joe Biden, Trump says: ‘I think he should take a cognitive test like I did’

Former US President Donald Trump on Saturday mixed up the name of his ex-White House doctor while urging US President Joe Biden to take a cognitive test.

The confusion occurred as Trump boasted about having "aced" a cognitive test. Criticizing Biden, Trump said, "I think he should take a cognitive test like I did."

"I took a cognitive test, and I aced it. Doc Ronny — Doc Ronny Johnson," Trump added, mistakenly using the wrong name for his former White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, who is now a member of the House, NBC News reported.

"Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor," he added.

Trump continued, boasting about having answered "every question right" on the cognitive test administered by Jackson, seemingly unaware that he had mispronounced his name.

Jackson conducted the Montreal Cognitive Assessment with Trump in 2018.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign did not promptly respond to a request for comment on Sunday evening.

​​​​​​​Trump, who recently turned 78 years old, often attempted to portray Biden, aged 81, as mentally incompetent. -

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