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Ukraine Summit Begins In Switzerland To Find 'Path Towards Just, Lasting Peace'

15.06.2024 21:27

Nuclear safety, food security and humanitarian issues belong to topics of discussion.

A two-day Ukraine summit began on Saturday with an official opening speech in Switzerland's Burgenstock aimed at finding a "common understanding" on a path toward peace, but with the absence of Russia.

A total of 100 states and international organizations will also discuss possible ways to include "all parties" in a future peace process, as Switzerland already admitted that peace is not attainable in the absence of Moscow.

The UN is also taking part in the summit with observer status.

Although Russia showed an immediate and clear disinterest in being part of the conference, it also did not receive an official invitation. China, which declared a "no limits" partnership with Moscow, is also not attending.

Nuclear safety, food security and humanitarian issues, such as the plight of prisoners of war and civilian detainees, will be among the points to be discussed. -

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