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UN Participating In Ukraine Peace Summit As 'Observer'

15.06.2024 20:12

'We continue to advocate for a just peace for Ukraine,' says UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine.

The UN is participating in the two-day Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland's Burgenstock Resort as an "observer," according to the UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine.

"The UN will be present as an observer. I believe that those attending will be announced this afternoon from New York," Denise Brown told a UN press briefing in Geneva on Friday.

Brown noted that Secretary-General Antonio Guterres would not be present as he had a personal commitment.

"Of course, we (UN) continue to advocate for a just peace for Ukraine," she said.

She explained that whoever from the UN will attend the summit will be in "listening mode."

The coordinator also urged the world to "not normalize the war in Ukraine."

The summit began on Saturday with the participation of over 90 states and international organizations, without Russian or Chinese presence. -

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