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Women gathered in Istanbul for Narin Güran! They chanted the slogan "We will not lose another person".

Women gathered in Istanbul for Narin Güran! They chanted the slogan

08.09.2024 09:00

While the search for 8-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing 19 days ago in Diyarbakır, continues, members of the Women United Strong Platform gathered at Istanbul's Eminönü-Üsküdar Pier, holding banners that read "What happened to Narin?" and chanting slogans such as "We will not lose another person", "We are not silent, we are not afraid, we do not obey".

The Women Together Strong Platform gathered at Eminönü-Üsküdar Pier in Istanbul for 8-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır and has not been heard from since.


The group, holding banners with the words "Where is Narin Güran?" and "What happened to Narin?", marched from Galata Bridge to Karaköy Pier accompanied by police, chanting slogans such as "We will not lose another person", "We are not silent, we are not afraid, we do not obey".

Women gathered in Istanbul for Narin Güran! Chanting the slogan 'We will not lose another person'


The following statement was made at Karaköy Pier: "The disappearance of Narin Güran is similar to the case of Gülistan Doku, who has been missing for years. She is being attempted to be disappeared with a similar mentality, or just like the Rabia Naz case, this case is being tried to be concluded. We will not allow it. Today and every day, we will continue to ask: What happened to Narin Güran? Who are the accomplices? A state that constantly boasts about its intelligence and uses technological advancements to constantly monitor its citizens, can't find or doesn't want to find a child who is said to be lost in a tiny village?"

Women gathered in Istanbul for Narin Güran! Chanting the slogan 'We will not lose another person'

It is essential to conduct an effective investigation to find 8-year-old Narin Güran, identify the crime and the criminals, and inform the public about the issue. We, as Women Together Strong, declare that we will follow the process and reiterate our fight against male violence and child abuse. We cannot tolerate losing another person."

Women gathered in Istanbul for Narin Güran! Chanting the slogan 'We will not lose another person'

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