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Yemen's Houthis Strike Israeli, US, British Targets

23.02.2024 03:57

Houthis target Israeli city of Eilat, US warship in Red Sea, British cargo ship in Gulf of Aden.

Yemen's Houthi group struck Israeli, US and British targets Thursday using missiles and drones in response to American and British "aggression" and in support of Palestinians in Gaza.

The group targeted the Israeli city of Eilat along with a US warship in the Red Sea and a British cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden.

"In support of the Palestinian people's just cause and in response to the American-British aggression against our country, the armed forces carried out three quality military operations," Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Yahya Saree said in a statement.

He said the first operation involved "the launch of ballistic missiles and drones by the armed forces against targets of the Zionist enemy in Um Al-Rashrash (Eilat) in southern occupied Palestine."

The second involved an "operation by the naval forces against a British-owned cargo ship, MV Islander, in the Gulf of Aden with a number of appropriate naval missiles, directly hitting it and causing a fire on board," said Saree.

In the third operation, Saree said "an American destroyer in the Red Sea was targeted with a number of drones," without elaborating.

"The armed forces continue to carry out their religious, moral and humanitarian duties towards the Palestinian people and in defense of dear Yemen against the American-British aggression, and their operations will not cease until the aggression stops and the siege is lifted on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip," he added.

*Writing by Alperen Aktas from Istanbul -

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