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12 Killed, 15 Children Missing In South Sudan Attack

03.04.2024 00:12

All those killed were elderly and women and all of the homes in the area were burnt, says local official.

At least 12 people were killed while 15 children are missing following an attack in eastern South Sudan, an official said Tuesday

Ten others were also injured in the attack on the village of Ajwara in Pochalla County, located in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

Abraham Kelang, the information minister of Greater Pibor, confirmed to Anadolu that the incident happened over the weekend.

Kelang did not reveal where the attackers came from but said the state government is gathering more information and will release a report after obtaining more details.

Owety Olung, a local official in Pochalla County, also confirmed the incident.

He added that hundreds of cattle were raided while the entire village was torched.

Olung said the attack was a surprise and called on the chief administrator of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area to bring the culprits to book.

He said all those killed were elderly and women and all of the homes in the area were burnt.

At least 15 people were killed, including a county commissioner and deputy army commander, when gunmen ambushed their convoy on March 20 in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area. -

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