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15th surgery, 12-hour operation: Skin transplantation was performed on Little Tunahan, who was attacked by stray dogs.

15th surgery, 12-hour operation: Skin transplantation was performed on Little Tunahan, who was attacked by stray dogs.

27.06.2024 18:20

Tunahan Yılmaz, a primary school student in Ankara, underwent a 12-hour operation to receive a skin transplant after being attacked by stray dogs. Last December, while he was leaving his house to go to school, the stray dogs attacked the little boy and he was severely injured.

The 4th grade elementary school student Tunahan Yılmaz, who was severely injured in an attack by stray dogs in Ankara, underwent a skin transplant operation that lasted approximately 12 hours at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospital. Little Tunahan was attacked and seriously injured by numerous stray dogs in an empty field while leaving his house in Kafkas neighborhood of Keçiören district on December 7, 2023, to go to school.


Tunahan, who went through a treatment process that included approximately 3 months of consecutive surgeries at Hacettepe University İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital, was discharged in March. Tunahan, who is still undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation for functional recovery, underwent another major surgery yesterday. A successful operation lasting approximately 12 hours was performed to transplant skin to the little child's head. It was reported that Tunahan's health condition is good after the intensive care monitoring process and he was transferred to the ward.


Talking to AA correspondent, father Halil Yılmaz expressed his gratitude to the doctors and staff of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, emphasizing that they have become like a family now. Yılmaz said, "This was the 15th major surgery my son underwent, not counting the minor operations. We really went through very difficult days, but thankfully we are overcoming the difficult times. Hopefully, my son will get much better, we thank our doctors very much." Yılmaz stated that Tunahan experienced a serious trauma and said, "Tunahan's psychology is in a very bad condition, and we are trying to recover from this. He doesn't want to go out or be among people. He always wears a hat on his head. It is very sad to see him like this, and we are trying to be strong."


Yılmaz emphasized that the problem of stray dogs is a serious risk for all children and people, and said: "We are grateful that our government has started preparations for a legal regulation to solve the problem of stray dogs. This is a very serious problem, and we don't want any other child to go through what happened to my son. The problem of stray dogs should be solved for all children."

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