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2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother.

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother.

27.09.2024 21:52

The investigation was expanded following the allegation that the sister of 2-year-old Nisanur, who died as a result of sexual abuse last year, had also been subjected to sexual abuse. The stepbrother of the mother, who was heard as a witness in the trial, said, "We used to hear the men coming to Meryem's house, we didn't believe it. But the truth is not like that. It harmed my two nieces. He was constantly giving sleeping pills to Nisanur's sister."

After the death of 2-year-old Nisanur baby due to sexual abuse in Bartın, the investigation was expanded with the allegation that her sister R.Ö. was also subjected to sexual abuse. In the first hearing of the case where the mother and three individuals are being tried, the defendants denied the statements they had given to the prosecutor's office, in which they confessed to the crime. T.Y., the stepbrother of the witness mother Meryem Ö., made chilling allegations regarding Nisanur's sister during the hearing.


Furkan Sevinç, who spent the night at the house of Meryem Ö. (38) in the İstasyon neighborhood of Çaycuma district, sexually abused the woman's 2-year-old child, Nisanur Ö. When she fainted at home, the baby was taken to Çaycuma State Hospital by Furkan Sevinç and later died at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Hospital, to which she was referred. In the case seen at the Zonguldak 1st Heavy Penal Court regarding the incident, Furkan Sevinç was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment for 'intentional killing' and 30 years in prison at the upper limit for 'qualified sexual abuse.'

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother


In the expanded investigation regarding the allegation that the deceased child's sister R.Ö. was also subjected to sexual abuse, an indictment was prepared against mother Meryem Ö. along with Özkan Ç., Cemil S., and Mehmet G. for the crime of 'qualified sexual abuse of a child.' While the indictment was accepted by the Bartın 1st Heavy Penal Court, a suspect named Metin Sucu died on the way to Zonguldak's Çaycuma district after being captured in Istanbul. Police officers Mehmet Y. (41) and Muhammet Emin C. (34) in the police vehicle that brought Metin Sucu, along with guard Uğur O. (36), were sentenced to 18 years in prison for 'killing as a result of injury leading to bone fractures.' In the first hearing of the case seen in Bartın, the defendants Meryem Ö., Özkan Ç., Cemil S., and Mehmet G. participated via the Audio and Visual Information System (SEGBİS) from the prison where they were held.


During the hearing, the presiding judge reminded mother Meryem Ö. of her statements to the police and prosecutor's office, in which she claimed that "she and her daughter had sexual relations with the three detained defendants at different times" and "she had been with 30-40 people along with her daughter." Mother Meryem Ö. responded, "I did not have sexual relations with anyone for money. All of these are lies. After Nisanur's death, my psychology was very disturbed. I gave such a statement due to pressure at the police and prosecutor's office. Would a mother sell her daughter? I did not do such a thing. There is no such thing, and it cannot be; all of these are lies. R.Ö. still does not know that her sister is dead. I was not myself in the initial statements I gave; I am just starting to gather myself again," she stated.

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother

Defendant Mehmet G., one of the detained suspects, recalled the prosecutor's statement, "I am selling Meryem and her daughter R.Ö. for money," and said, "We met with Meryem with the intention of marriage. But we did not get along. We did not meet after that. I do not accept any of these statements I made to the prosecutor's office. I gave these statements under pressure," he said.

Defendant Cemil S., who confessed in his statement to the prosecutor that he drugged R.Ö.'s ayran (a yogurt drink) and sexually abused her, rejected his previous statements, saying, "I do not accept these statements. I did not do such a thing. I gave these statements under pressure. I am in favor of justice," he stated. Another defendant, Özkan Ç., claimed that he had not been in contact with Meryem Ö. for a long time and denied the allegations, stating that he was unaware of anything.

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother


S.K., who runs a grocery store in the neighborhood where Meryem Ö. previously lived, stated, "Sometimes she would leave Nisanur with us for 5-10 minutes, and we would take care of her. We would see R.Ö. in the mornings when she was going to school. She was always sleepy. Her mother would tell us that she gave her sleeping pills because she did not sleep."


T.Y., Meryem Ö.'s stepbrother, who was heard as a witness, could not hold back his tears, saying, "We heard the men coming to Meryem's house; we did not believe it. But the truth was not like that. She burned the heads of my two nieces. R.Ö.'s mother was constantly giving her sleeping pills," he said. Mother Meryem Ö. also denied the allegations and accusations regarding giving sleeping pills to her daughter R.Ö.

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother


In the hearing attended by lawyers from the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services and the defendants' lawyers, after listening to the mother, other defendants, and witnesses, the court announced its interim decision. The court panel decided to continue the detention of the defendants and requested the court documents regarding the police officers' punishment in the death of suspect Metin Sucu, and decided that victim R.Ö. would be heard with a psychologist and a pedagogue in the next court session, and adjourned the hearing to a later date.

2-year-old Nisanur died as a result of sexual abuse! Another allegation against the monstrous mother

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