In a tragic incident in Texas City's Texas City, a 15-year-old boy accidentally shot his 17-year-old brother while trying to save him, and their father died of a heart attack. According to the Galveston County Medical Examiner's Office, police found 41-year-old Jay Gonzales and his 17-year-old son Joshua Gonzales dead at the scene. The police reported that Joshua died from a gunshot fired by his 15-year-old brother, while their father suffered a medical emergency while trying to provide first aid to his son. According to NBC's local channel KPRC-TV, after the incident reported at 1:20 AM on Monday, the 15-year-old brother was questioned and then released to his mother. The case has been referred to the Galveston District Attorney's Office. The Texas City Independent School District stated, "We are deeply saddened by the loss of our student. We are providing psychological support for our students and staff." Jay Gonzales, a traveling tattoo artist, was described by his colleague Melo Salazar as "very loved for always stepping up to help the community. He organized school fundraisers and donation campaigns. He did everything he could." The police announced that the investigation into the incident is ongoing and that there is no threat to public safety. Autopsy work is underway to determine the causes of death.