The harms of social media are becoming the subject of scientific studies. Governments around the world are taking measures against the negative effects of social media, especially for children and young people. One of these measures is about to come into effect in Turkey. Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu spoke about the long-discussed restriction in Turkey. Emphasizing the age detail, Uraloğlu stated that the aim of this new regulation is to prevent the negative effects that children and young people may encounter in the digital environment. Minister Uraloğlu continued his statements as follows: THE AGE LIMIT FOR SOCIAL MEDIA WILL BE 16We plan to impose certain restrictions on social media access for our young people under the age of 16. With a protective reflex, we want to allow more freedom after the age limit so that they can choose what is what. The feedback from families is very positive. We will have protected the young people who will participate in the global process. "TÜRKSAT 6A WILL START OPERATING"In terms of communication, we have 5 satellites in operation. TÜRKSAT 6A has settled into its orbit. In the coming days, we will activate our first domestic and national communication satellite. We will be serving and selling to more people.