Bollywood's famous actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an intruder who entered his home from his youngest son Jeh's room. Doctors removed a 6.3-centimeter-long knife from the actor's wound. Khan, who underwent surgery, is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit, and it has been reported that his life is not in danger. In a statement to the press, Dr. Nitin Dange, part of the medical team treating Khan, said, "Saif Ali Khan was brought to the hospital at 2:00 AM. He suffered a serious injury in the thoracic region due to a knife embedded in his spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair the leaking spinal fluid. Two deep wounds on his left hand and neck were also treated by the plastic surgery team. His condition is now completely stable and he is in the recovery process." The incident, which occurred early Thursday morning, saw Khan stabbed six times while struggling with a thief. The seriousness of his condition remains due to two of the wounds being close to the spine. The incident took place at 2:15 AM when the thief entered their home in Bandra and attacked the housekeeper first, followed by Khan who intervened. During the incident, Khan's wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and other family members were asleep in the house. Khan woke up to sounds coming from his son Jeh's room and intervened in the argument between the thief and the housekeeper. In an official statement made by Khan's team, it was noted that the actor's condition is stable and he has overcome the danger. The team also thanked Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain, and the team at Lilavati Hospital.