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A breaking development in the Narin Güran murder case! Two cigarette butts found in the barn have been sent for DNA analysis.

A breaking development in the Narin Güran murder case! Two cigarette butts found in the barn have been sent for DNA analysis.

24.09.2024 09:21

Significant developments are occurring in the investigation of the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran in Diyarbakır. Following the additional statement of the informant Nevzat Bahtiyar, new evidence was found during searches conducted at his house and barn. Experts discovered two cigarette butts in the barn and sent the evidence to the center for DNA analysis, while it was learned that the gendarmerie has been keeping a continuous watch at Bahtiyar's house and barn.

New traces have been found in the murder of 8-year-old Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was discovered 19 days after she went missing in Diyarbakır.

As the investigation into the murder of Narin Güran was expanded following the additional statement of Nevzat Bahtiyar, new evidence was sought in his house and barn based on the confessions of the informant. New findings were reached as a result of the search.


Among the evidence sent were 2 cigarette butts found in Bahtiyar's barn. DNA will be searched on the cigarette butts. The age of the cigarette butts will also be determined. The gendarmerie is keeping a constant watch at Bahtiyar's house and barn.

Hot development in the Narin Güran murder case! 2 cigarette butts found in the barn sent for DNA analysis


Meanwhile, the Forensic Medicine 2nd Specialization Board completed the report regarding the bite mark on the arm of Enes Güran, the brother of Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 and was found dead in the stream bed of the Tavşantepe neighborhood of Bağlar district in Diyarbakır on September 8. The report stated that forensic and medical documents belonging to 18-year-old Enes Güran and his mother, 44-year-old Yüksel Güran, as well as oral and dental measurement models and molds, were evaluated together with photographs, videos, and graphics.

Hot development in the Narin Güran murder case! 2 cigarette butts found in the barn sent for DNA analysis


The report indicated that considering the localization of the soft tissue lesions described and identified on Enes Güran's right forearm, the traumatic effects, and color, the occurrence time as of the examination date of August 27 was compatible with 3-6 days (August 21-24). It was stated that the mentioned lesions were purple, arc (semicircular/crescent-shaped) in appearance, continuous lesions that did not contain distinct morphological features such as cutting edges and depth typical of bite marks, however, it was expressed that the appearance of the existing lesions might be consistent with human bite marks.

Hot development in the Narin Güran murder case! 2 cigarette butts found in the barn sent for DNA analysis

The report stated, "The report of the Forensic Medicine Institution's Forensic Informatics specialization department's audio and video examination branch, the oral and dental measurement models reported to belong to Yüksel Güran, the dental and jaw examination of Enes Güran, the bite marks taken, the panoramic graph belonging to Narin Güran, autopsy data, X-ray images, and dental and jaw findings obtained from photographs were all evaluated together, and it was determined that the lesions on Enes Güran's right forearm could have been caused by being bitten by Yüksel Güran, Enes Güran, and Narin Güran, but as asked by the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, it was noted that the mentioned lesions fell into the '5 inconclusive' category according to ABFO (American Board of Forensic Odontology) criteria, and therefore did not contain features suitable for identification from bite marks."

As a result, it was unanimously stated in the report that a definitive distinction could not be made from a forensic medical perspective regarding whether the bite on the brother's arm was inflicted by Yüksel Güran, Narin Güran, or himself.

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