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A cyclist was killed in Tokat after being hit by a car.

A cyclist was killed in Tokat after being hit by a car.

29.09.2024 10:01

In a traffic accident that occurred in the Turhal district of Tokat, 48-year-old cyclist Cemal Alpay lost his life. In the accident involving two cars, Alpay died at the scene. The drivers have been taken into custody.

In the Turhal district of Tokat, a traffic accident occurred in which 48-year-old cyclist Cemal Alpay lost his life.

In the accident that took place on Cumhuriyet Avenue, a car with the license plate 06 EAA 368, driven by B.S. (30), collided with the bicycle ridden by Alpay.


As a result of the collision, Cemal Alpay was thrown onto the road and was also hit by a car with the license plate 05 AD 673, driven by D.G. (21), who was traveling in the same direction. Upon notification, the medical teams that arrived at the scene determined that Alpay had passed away after their examination. After the prosecutor's investigation, Alpay's body was taken to the Turhal State Hospital morgue.

The driver who was taken into custody is undergoing procedures at the police station.

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