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A live insect came out of the salad given to the staff at the state hospital.

A live insect came out of the salad given to the staff at the state hospital.

27.06.2024 17:54

A live insect was found in the salad given to the staff at the cafeteria of the State Hospital in Ayvalık district of Balıkesir. Health Sen, reacting to the incident, stated, "We were used to dead insects. However, it is really sad that a live insect came out of the salad this time." The incident was documented with photographs taken by doctors working at the hospital.

A live insect came out of the meal given to the staff of Ayvalık State Hospital in Balıkesir. The scandalous incident was photographed by doctors working at the hospital and recorded in a report, which was signed by 7 doctors and healthcare personnel.


The report stated, "On June 27, 2024, around 12:35, a large live insect came out of the salad on the menu in our hospital cafeteria. This report has been jointly signed."

A live insect came out of the salad given to the staff at the state hospital


According to the news on Sözcü, Sağlık Sen also made a statement. The statement by General President Ahmet Doğruyol included the following expressions: "After the privatization of meal services in state hospitals, it has become impossible for both our healthcare workers and patients to have healthy meals. Despite bringing up this issue multiple times, our Ministry of Health has not taken the necessary precautions, and the meal problem continues to grow day by day.

Today, in the meal problem that occurred at Ayvalık State Hospital, we were used to dead insects, but it was not very likely to see live insects in the salad. However, it is truly saddening to see a live insect walking out of the salad."

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