The incident that occurred on 3439th Street in the Yenimahalle neighborhood of Atakum district in Samsun involved 28-year-old Alican Kaya, who had been missing for a day, and whose family filed a missing person report with the police last night. His lifeless body was found in the morning at a construction site owned by his father. Workers who went to the construction site in the morning saw the young man hanging from a rope. THE YOUNG MAN'S LIFLESS BODY WAS SENT TO THE FORENSIC MEDICINE INSTITUTEAfter the workers reported the situation to emergency services, health and police teams were dispatched to the scene. Upon examination by the teams, it was determined that the young man had lost his life. Following the work conducted at the scene, the deceased was sent to the Samsun Forensic Medicine Institute. An investigation has been initiated regarding the incident.