26.09.2024 11:01
Striking details continue to emerge in the investigation of the murder of Narin Güran, whose lifeless body was found 19 days after she went missing in Diyarbakır. It has been learned that the Güran family attempted to take precautions against the ambient listening ordered by the prosecutor's office by turning up the volume of the music. Additionally, it was revealed that Narin's aunt, Hediye Güran, washed the carpets, sofa covers, and runners in the house. It is also reported that the floors were wiped multiple times and bleach was used.
Striking details continue to emerge in the investigation of the murder of Narin Güran in Diyarbakır. It has been determined that the suspects tried to take precautions by turning up the music volume against the court's decision for ambient listening.
According to the information obtained, many members of the Güran family deleted their WhatsApp messages after Narin went missing on August 21. Similarly, phone call records were also deleted. Family members changed their mobile phones after the mentioned date.
As a result of the work carried out by security units, members of the Güran family received information that the Gendarmerie was conducting ambient listening. While investigating who leaked this information, it was determined that at least 7 separate family council meetings were held with the participation of the male members of the Güran family. These meetings took place sometimes in open areas and sometimes in closed spaces. To prevent the discussions from leaking out thanks to the ambient listening, they tried to take precautions by playing loud music.
Another piece of information obtained is that the members of the Güran family acted according to the many instructions given by Muhtar Salim Güran. It was determined that many rugs, sofa covers, runners, and tablecloths in the house where Narin was murdered, along with the clothes of mother Yüksel Güran, were washed in the washing machine, and the rugs in the house were washed at least twice.
The washing tasks were organized by aunt Hediye Güran, and after the lifeless body of Narin was removed from the house, it was found that aunts Hediye Güran, Maşallah Güran, and mother Yüksel Güran washed the rugs and many other covers found in the area upon the instruction of Salim Güran.
According to the news from Ferit Demir of Halk TV, it was determined that mother Yüksel Güran overloaded the washing machine in the house by putting covers and clothes that exceeded its capacity, causing the washing machine to malfunction. Subsequently, it was found that the covers and clothes that needed to be washed were taken to Hediye Güran's house and washed there. It was specifically determined that all the covers in the large hallway at the entrance of the house and in the room where Narin was murdered were washed. It is reported that the floors were also mopped multiple times using bleach.