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Algeria Criticizes 'Tolerance' Narrative At UN Security Council Amid Ongoing Global Crises

14.06.2024 19:42

'Tolerance cannot be achieved since one of its most blatant illustration is rejected by the Israeli aggressors,' says Amar Bendjama.

Algerian envoy at the UN, Amar Bendjama, criticized Friday a UN Security Council session's narrative about "tolerance" amid ongoing "war, conflicts, crisis, massacres and even genocides in the 21st century" around the world.

A session was held at the council discussing the impact of "tolerance and acceptance" on international threats and peace.

Speaking at the session, Bendjama said: "Tolerance, not a good sounding word in this chamber, where we discuss on a daily basis about war, conflicts, crisis, massacres and even genocides in the 21st century."

He pointed out that to talk about tolerance at the Security Council, its members must respect international law and the UN Charter.

"Tolerance cannot be materialized while we are in front of a barbaric aggression being perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces against innocent civilians, including women, including girls and children in Gaza and in the occupied Palestinian territories," he said.

He further stressed that "tolerance cannot be achieved since one of its most blatant illustrations is rejected by the Israeli aggressors, which is the two-state solution, those who shredded the UN Charter, those who are questioning the noble role of the UN."

Bendjama stated that tolerance should also grant the right to self-determination to oppressed people. -

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