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Big embarrassment at school! He recorded the inappropriate action he did to his girlfriend.

Big embarrassment at school! He recorded the inappropriate action he did to his girlfriend.

14.09.2024 12:01

In the footage taken at a school, it can be seen that a student sitting in front of the bus makes a hand gesture to their friend. It drew attention that the student recorded those moments and wrote a note saying "The teacher asked what we were laughing at" while sharing it on social media.

With the start of the new academic year, interesting images continue to come from schools. Most recently, a hand gesture made by a student towards their classmate sitting in front of them sparked a big debate.

In the footage, it can be seen that one student is dozing off during class, and the student sitting behind them makes a hand gesture towards them. The student who recorded the moment shared the video with the caption "The teacher must have asked what we were laughing about."

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