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CHP leader Özel called on two MHP members regarding the Sinan Ateş murder.

CHP leader Özel called on two MHP members regarding the Sinan Ateş murder.

04.07.2024 22:50

CHP leader Özgür Özel made statements regarding the Sinan Ateş murder case during a live broadcast. Özel called on MHP deputies İzzet Ulvi Yönter and Semih Yalçın, saying, "I cannot say that you instigated this murder. What is appropriate for you is to request the lifting of your immunity and go get acquitted. The immunity of these two individuals should be lifted and they should be prosecuted."

CHP Leader Özgür Özel made important statements regarding the Sinan Ateş case, which is being heard in its fourth session today, and called on MHP Istanbul Deputies İzzet Ulvi Yönter and Semih Yalçın.

CHP leader Özel, who participated in a live broadcast on KRT, made important statements regarding the Sinan Ateş murder case.


CHP Leader Özel said, "I am following the case very closely. Our former leader Ayşe Ateş had previously called and conveyed both legal support and human emotions. When I became the leader, I called and said, 'We continue what Kemal Bey told you, we can talk whenever you want, but if you say that this case should not be a matter of politics, we will remain silent out of respect for your grief.' She thanked me. Then we celebrated a holiday together. 'The situation has become critical. Let the general election and local election end, the indictment will be written. The indictment has been written. My statements have not been evaluated, there is an empty indictment. Please, will you stand behind me?' she said. 'Not only me, but the whole of Turkey will stand behind you,' I said. Then she came with her children." he used the expressions.

CHP leader Özel calls on two MHP members regarding the Sinan Ateş murder


Özel, regarding the murder that caused an uproar, said, "A murder is committed in the middle of a country's capital, in the middle of the street. The murder is practically eliminated, there is nothing politically. That day, I heard 'The former president of the Idealist Hearths has been shot.' We first published a condolence message. Attention was drawn to the afternoon, there was no message from the MHP, no attendance at the funeral. There is nothing. A person who has been the President of the Idealist Hearths until very recently... An abnormality started there. MHP has been silent until now." he said.


Özel, who stated that he was there at the first hearing on July 1, said, "I also went to listen today. I listened to the mother, then I left. The mother spoke for 3-5 minutes and finished the trial. I said, 'If you remain indifferent to this, you will drown in the tears of Sinan Ateş's mother and wife.' There has been a theater there for four days." he said.

Özel, referring to the words of Sinan Ateş's mother in the trial, said, "It has come to a point where his mother says, 'I hugged my son, there is a bulletproof vest. Why did you wear it?' 'Mom, they broke my pen,' he says. They give names. 'They will shoot me soon,' he said. 'Sinan told me why he would be shot and who would make him shot.' They heard it from him, his wife and mother say this, and it is not in this indictment. It is not among the instigators." he said.


Özel called on MHP Istanbul Deputies İzzet Ulvi Yönter and Semih Yalçın, saying, "I cannot say 'You instigated this murder' to Ulvi Bey and Semih Bey. What suits you is to request the lifting of your immunity and go and be acquitted. I am not accusing them, I am inviting them to be acquitted. The immunity of these two people should be lifted, they should be tried." he used the expressions.

CHP leader Özel calls on two MHP members regarding the Sinan Ateş murder


CHP leader Özel, who also brought up the allegations that the murder suspects were caught in the house of MHP member Olcay Kılavuz, said, "They go to Olcay Kılavuz's house. 'You cannot take me from this house, I have immunity, my big brother will come' he says. Then they go and make an arrest in that house, but they say later that they arrested him on the way and changed the record. I visited Mr. Bahçeli. I also conveyed that Ayşe Ateş wanted to meet with him. They are doing such things that it is impossible after this time. They insult a lot, they threaten. If you bow down to them even a centimeter, they will make this nation kneel." he said.


Continuing his words about the case, Özel said, "The case will be concluded anyway. They will end this issue with a scenario they created themselves... When this case is concluded, the case will be over but justice will not be served. That case will be heard again. It will be heard when the government changes. Whoever fails to do their duty will be held accountable before the judiciary at that time." he used the expressions.

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