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Crypto Opening from US President Joe Biden: Looking for an Executive

Crypto Opening from US President Joe Biden: Looking for an Executive

23.05.2024 17:52

The campaign of United States President Joe Biden for the 2024 election has embarked on a digital move to engage with young voters by seeking a meme expert. This strategy aims to strengthen Biden's connection with the crypto community and young voter base. The campaign team has started searching for a 'Meme Partnership Manager'.

The 2024 election campaign of United States President Joe Biden has launched a digital move to engage with young voters by seeking a meme expert. The announced position aims to interact with young people through digital content that is popular among them. This strategy aims to strengthen Biden's connection with the crypto community and young voter base.

Crypto and Memes: New Tools of Politics

Joe Biden's election campaign has taken an interesting step to establish more effective communication with Generation Z voters. The campaign team has started searching for a "Meme Liaison Manager" to be appointed in the city of Wilmington, Delaware. The expected annual salary for this unusual position ranges from $65,000 to $85,000.

According to the job announcement made by Joe Biden for President (JBP), the successful candidate will be in close contact with various digital media companies, podcast broadcasters, and popular meme pages. The primary duty of the Meme Liaison Manager will be to constantly engage with these platforms to attract the interest of young voters and establish an emotional connection with them.

Biden's election campaign has already taken the first step in this field by embracing the "Dark Brandon" meme, which is highly popular among young people. President Biden made sympathetic remarks about this meme during a television program he attended in February and made a reference to the "Dark Brandon" persona by wearing sunglasses at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in April.

Meme culture and cryptocurrencies are actively used by other candidates in US politics as well. Former US President Donald Trump boosted the value of a meme cryptocurrency with his supportive statements about cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, Trump's widely circulated prison photo from last August was successfully monetized through printed products by his campaign.

Note: The translation may vary depending on the context and intended meaning.

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