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Cumhur İttifakı partner Destici calls on the government for minimum wage: No need for discussion.

Cumhur İttifakı partner Destici calls on the government for minimum wage: No need for discussion.

27.06.2024 20:14

Mustafa Destici, the leader of the Great Unity Party, a partner of the People's Alliance, criticized the government's economic policy. Destici stated that the minimum wage must be revised in July and said, "The minimum wage should be determined and the commission should convene in July. If the inflation difference is 25 percent, the minimum wage should be increased by 25 percent and the meeting should be concluded. There is no need for any discussion."

The leader of the Grand Unity Party (BBP), Mustafa Destici, stated that "the minimum wage must be revised in July. The minimum wage should be determined and the commission should meet in July. If the inflation difference is 25 percent, the minimum wage should be increased by 25 percent and the meeting should be closed. There is no need for any discussion."

BBP leader Mustafa Destici evaluated the agenda at the weekly press conference at the party headquarters. Speaking here, Destici said, "The current state of the economy, along with many factors, leads to questioning our tax system. This is not a new debate. Since the 70s, inflation and cost of living have been discussed in increasing intensities in our country. Since the establishment of our party, we have drawn attention to the chronic and structural problems of the Turkish economy. In the 90s, we mentioned the need to control public spending, carry out tax reform, reform the social security system, support production, and control the market. Today, although with different intensities, we are experiencing similar problems. Yes, we have largely privatized, keeping many details to be criticized. However, we still need to control public spending as we did back then. We need to revise our social security system. We need to establish and implement a new tax system."

Statement from the partner of the People's Alliance, Destici, regarding the minimum wage: There is no need for any discussion

Destici stated, "The harsh conditions of the economy make the lives of low-income groups difficult, while we observe a significant increase in luxury consumption. The most important reason for this is our current system based on 'indirect taxes'; we need to discuss that the most important share in tax revenues should be 'income tax' and 'corporate tax'."

Statement from the partner of the People's Alliance, Destici, regarding the minimum wage: There is no need for any discussion


Destici stated that they accept that the economic measures taken by the government have reasons, and they expect benefits and believe that these expectations can be realized. He said, "We must say that we should not deviate from the essence of the issue. We have a study on the tax system. The conditions and duration of the press conference are not very suitable for this. It is an independent subject and agenda, and we will share our proposals regarding tax reform with our people and stakeholders as soon as possible. However, we can briefly state the following here; The solution is not to increase existing taxes, fees, etc. It should not be to burden the majority of the tax burden on those with low income by inflating indirect taxes. What needs to be done is to identify the items that have income but are not taxed and tax them. It is also important not to allow and collect taxes from those who show low income or even do not pay taxes. Moreover, the fairer approach is; higher tax for higher income, lower tax for lower income, and no tax for those whose income is only enough for their family's livelihood."

Statement from the partner of the People's Alliance, Destici, regarding the minimum wage: There is no need for any discussion


Destici said, "We said that SGK and BAĞ-KUR retirees should receive an increase at the level of civil servant retirees and the rate should be 49.25 percent. In the January increase, all retirees, civil servants, and farmers received an increase of 49.25 percent. Now there is a reverse situation. Currently, the rate of increase for SGK and BAĞ-KUR retirees is calculated around 30 percent. The rate of increase for civil servant retirees was calculated around 25 percent. In this period as well, we say that 'the rate of increase for civil servant retirees should not be lower than that of other retirees.' In July, pensions for retirees and civil servants will be increased according to inflation values. I have stated this before. It is unacceptable and urgently needs to be raised above the minimum wage for the lowest pension. In addition to this, it is not fair for the minimum wage to be determined only once a year at the current level of inflation, the minimum wage must be revised in July. The minimum wage should be determined and the commission should meet. If the inflation difference is 25 percent, the minimum wage should be increased by 25 percent and the meeting should be closed. There is no need for any discussion."

Statement from the partner of the People's Alliance, Destici, regarding the minimum wage: There is no need for any discussion


Destici continued his speech as follows: "Look, our national team won a match and lost a match in the European Football Championship. I believe they will win tonight and advance to the next round. I wish our national team superior success on behalf of myself and the community. We are playing in Portugal, and the PKK extensions have become so-called members of parliament, receiving the salary of a member of parliament, riding in the state's car, benefiting from all the facilities of the state, and supporting Portugal. They do not support the Turkish national team. Then go live in Portugal. Why are you living in the Republic of Turkey, my brother? Go be with whoever you support. No one is holding you back, go away. If you live in this country, eat the bread of this country, and carry the passport of this country, you will support the Turkish national team. Let's strip those who support Portugal of their citizenship and let them go. Let them become Portuguese citizens. If we do not take such precautions, they will do even more extreme things. They can do things that are beyond imagination. We must never forget this."

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