16.07.2024 11:01
In Sivas, during the first session of the university entrance exam, due to a student falling ill in the exam hall, the ÖSYM offered the students who experienced a half-hour delay the option of additional points or an equivalent exam retake.
During the first session of the Higher Education Institutions Exam, which was held by ÖSYM on June 8th, a major disruption occurred due to a student having an epileptic seizure.
According to ÖSYM regulations, additional time should have been given for the remaining duration of the exam. However, the 15-second extension made by the exam hall supervisor and invigilators did not satisfy the students. Upon the application made by the parents, ÖSYM resolved the issue by offering additional points or the option of retaking the exam to the affected students.
"A 30-MINUTE LOSS OCCURRED" Murat Akpınar, who described his daughter's half-hour distress during the exam, said, "My daughter took the Basic Proficiency Exam of the Higher Education Institutions Exam on June 8th. She had a problem during the exam. A child in the exam hall of about 40 people became ill. He had an epileptic seizure. He experienced vomiting blood, convulsions, and falling to the ground. The invigilators and exam hall supervisors were unable to remove the child from the classroom. Therefore, they asked for help from the male students. 112 was immediately called. With the arrival of the ambulance, intervention in the exam hall, removal from the hall, and cleaning of the hall, a 30-minute loss occurred. When we learned about this situation, we examined ÖSYM's regulations. It is clearly stated in the regulations what will happen in such a situation. In such cases, the exam hall supervisor should add as much time as the loss experienced to the end of the exam. However, the exam hall supervisor and invigilators added a very ridiculous time of 15 seconds to the end of the exam," he said.
"ÖSYM DELIVERED THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILDREN" Akpınar, stating that it is the duty of every student and parent to seek their rights and pursue the matter if there is any distress, said, "As parents, we went to seek our rights as soon as we learned about it. We met with the coordinator of ÖSYM in our province, and he was very helpful to us. We wrote our general-purpose petition. Later, we also thought that this was a negligence of duty. Therefore, we filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutor's office. After this, no child should be victimized like our child. Because raising a child is not easy. Losing a year is not a short time. After we started this process, ÖSYM convened its board of directors on July 5th. The board of directors evaluated our applications and found them justified. Because the regulation was very clear on this issue. Therefore, they offered two options to the students in the exam hall. Additional points and equivalent retake of the exam. Our child and a friend chose the equivalent retake of the exam. Seeking rights and pursuing the matter is the duty of every student and parent. I would also like to thank ÖSYM for their reliability in our country's institutions. Because they delivered the rights of the children. When we started this process, we looked for a similar case but couldn't find anything. Our situation became a precedent," he said.