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Did Ali Erbaş recite the Shahada incorrectly? Consecutive statements from the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Directorate of Communications.

Did Ali Erbaş recite the Shahada incorrectly? Consecutive statements from the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Directorate of Communications.

15.09.2024 15:00

The allegation that the President of Religious Affairs, Prof. Ali Erbaş, read the Shahada briefly during the opening of the Hz. Ali Mosque and Vasfiye Turna Hafiz Quran Boarding School, which was completed in Yalova, has caused a wide reaction in the public. While the Presidency of Religious Affairs announced that the published news is false and that the necessary legal process has been initiated regarding the matter, the Presidency of Communications also stated that the allegation is not true.

The President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, made a statement regarding the news published in the press and media outlets under the title "The President of Religious Affairs read the Shahada without abbreviating" by referring to his speech at the mosque opening in Yalova on September 6.


In the written statement made by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the following statements were included: "The news published in today's issue of Sözcü Newspaper under the title 'The President of Religious Affairs read the Shahada without abbreviating' is false. The speech of our President of Religious Affairs, Ali Erbaş, in which he explained the sentences 'Eşhedü enlailahe illallah. Eşhedü enne Muhammeden Rasulüllah' as they appear in the call to prayer during a mosque opening in Yalova on September 6, 2024, was shared on some social media accounts after being cut at the beginning and end. Sözcü Newspaper, without conducting any research, published the distorted news in today's issue based on the distorted images circulating on social media. Legal action will be taken against Sözcü Newspaper and the social media accounts that shared misleading and maliciously prepared news and social media posts."


A statement regarding the issue also came from the Disinformation Combat Center of the Communication Presidency. In the statement, it was stated that the claim that "The President of Religious Affairs read the Shahada incomplete" regarding some images shared on social media and covered in the press and media outlets is not true.

It was determined that the mentioned images were cut at the beginning and end of the speech of Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, the President of Religious Affairs, and detached from its context.

Erbaş, during a mosque opening in Yalova on September 6, 2024, used the expressions "Mosques are the places where the name of the Almighty God is always mentioned and the sentences 'Eşhedü en lâ ilâhe illallah, eşhedü enne Muhammeden Resûlullah', which are the foundation of the religion, echo on earth." As can be understood from the expressions, Erbaş pronounced the sentences in question as they appear in the call to prayer. Do not believe baseless allegations aimed at manipulating public opinion."

Did Ali Erbaş read the Shahada incomplete? Consecutive statements from the Religious Affairs and Communication Presidencies
Did Ali Erbaş read the Shahada incomplete? Consecutive statements from the Religious Affairs and Communication Presidencies

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