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"Don't give up the fight, Sıla baby: She has been trying to hold on to life for 16 days! Her life-threatening condition continues."

23.09.2024 15:42

The 2-year-old baby Sıla, who was assaulted and sexually abused in Tekirdağ, has been fighting for her life for 16 days. It has been reported that Sıla still faces a life-threatening situation, and her treatment is ongoing. In the case, where 5 people have been arrested, the Ministry of Family has initiated an investigation regarding the custody of the child.

The life-threatening condition of 2-year-old Sıla, who was subjected to violence and sexual abuse in the Malkara district of Tekirdağ, continues. Sıla, who has been fighting for her life for 16 days, remains in serious condition. Sıla's aunt, Aslı Tatar, who is waiting for a single good news from the doctor, said, "Today is the 15th day, her condition is the same. She is living on machines. We come to get some good information."


While the Malkara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation into the incident, the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services also consulted the family and neighbors. Bakiye Yeniçeri claimed that her daughter was injured after falling from a television unit left by neighbors. The directorate filed a criminal complaint against the mother and stepfather, Sanlı Ö., while the family's 5-year-old daughter, A.Y., was placed under protection. Within the scope of the investigation, which has a confidentiality decision, teams from the Tekirdağ Police Department detained 5 suspects, including Bakiye Yeniçeri. In the investigation, Bakiye Yeniçeri, her religious partner Sanlı Ö., neighbor Kani A., and the children of the neighbor where the baby was left, G.A. and K.A., were arrested.

Egemen Gürcün, the President of the Tekirdağ Bar Association, announced in a statement on September 11 that it has been confirmed by forensic medical reports that S.Y. was subjected to sexual abuse. The treatment of S.Y., who was subjected to violence and sexual abuse, continues at Tekirdağ İsmail Fehmi Cumalıoğlu City Hospital. It was stated that the baby is still in a life-threatening condition and her status is stable.


Sıla's aunts, Aslı Tatar and Elif Akyüz, have been waiting for good news from the baby in front of the hospital for days. Stating that they have an ongoing lawsuit against Bakiye Yeniçeri and her husband Ü.A.Y. to obtain custody at the Tekirdağ 1st Family Court, Aslı Tatar said, "Today is the 15th day, her condition is the same. She is living on machines, we are waiting for good news from our doctors. We are here every day, praying for my Lord to grant her to us. We come to get some good information. My father, the baby's grandfather, sees her, loves her, caresses her, that is enough for us. May my Lord grant her to us as soon as possible, and we want the perpetrators to be punished in the heaviest way. The doctors said that there is only a hope she can come home as a vegetative life," she said.


Bakiye Yeniçeri, who lives in the Malkara district, took her daughter Sıla to Malkara State Hospital on August 2. Yeniçeri stated that her child, who had bruises on her body, was dropped by a neighbor and was injured. After being examined, S.Y. was later returned to her family and sent home. The family took baby Sıla back to Malkara State Hospital on the evening of September 8. Doctors examining the unconscious baby reported the situation to the police after seeing signs of assault and bruises. The baby, who was in critical condition, was transferred to Tekirdağ İsmail Fehmi Cumalıoğlu City Hospital. It was determined that the examined baby had suffered a brain hemorrhage, and findings indicating that she had been subjected to physical violence were obtained, and she underwent surgery. Additionally, DNA samples taken were sent to the Tekirdağ Forensic Medicine Institution for examination.

Sıla's struggle for life continues: Her condition is critical

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