The "New Generation Journalism Conference" organized by the Turkish Internet Journalists Association (TİGAD) took place in Afyonkarahisar with the participation of journalists from 81 provinces. Among the speakers in the program, Dr. Ekrem Teymur, Chairman of the Board of and, gave a presentation titled "How Does Artificial Intelligence Work?" to the participants. "WE WILL SEE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EVERY FIELD"With his presentation, Ekrem Teymur attracted great interest from the participants in the workshop, emphasizing the transformation that artificial intelligence has created in the media sector, stating that currently more than 5,000 companies are competing to develop artificial intelligence technologies. Dr. Teymur expressed that we will soon see artificial intelligence in every aspect of life, saying, "In a short time, we will see artificial intelligence in every field. Currently, companies are working intensively, making significant progress not only on applications but also on robots. In 5 years, we will not be doing the jobs we are doing now. There will be robots among us, and we will not be able to distinguish whether they are human or robot." "A PRODUCT OF 70-80 YEARS OF RESEARCH"Dr. Teymur emphasized that today's artificial intelligence, which everyone rushes to when they need help, is a product of 70-80 years of research, stating that technology is divided into two categories: narrow and general artificial intelligence. Highlighting that artificial intelligence encompasses all written and visual content, blogs, comments, and more from around the world, Dr. Teymur said, "This makes it the world's largest data machine." "A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ERA WILL BEGIN IN 3-5 YEARS"Dr. Teymur, who made the topic more understandable for the participants with examples during the workshop, emphasized that thanks to artificial intelligence, a completely different era will begin in 3-5 years compared to our current lifestyle. Stating that artificial intelligence can even guide individual decisions in daily life, Dr. Teymur said, "You will wake up in the morning, and artificial intelligence will say to you, 'That tie doesn't look good, change it.' And we will do it." "ALL CASES IN THE JUDICIARY CAN BE RESET"Dr. Teymur emphasized that artificial intelligence will revolutionize the legal field, stating, "We believe that by 2029, all cases in the judiciary will be reset with artificial intelligence. Therefore, a commission should be established for artificial intelligence."