As millions eagerly awaited, the minimum wage for 2025 was announced as 22,104 lira, and all eyes were on President Erdoğan's message at the AK Party group meeting. "WE KEPT OUR PROMISE"Speaking at his party's meeting, President Erdoğan stated, "We kept our promise; we remained true to our word of not letting our workers be crushed by inflation." "WITH A LITTLE MORE EFFORT, WE WILL SEE MUCH BETTER RESULTS"Indicating that 2025 will be better than the previous year, Erdoğan said, "With a little more patience and a little more effort, we will see much better results." LEFT THE JOURNALIST'S QUESTION UNANSWEREDAfter the meeting, President Erdoğan was bombarded with questions from journalists in the corridor. Erdoğan left unanswered a journalist's question, "Still, workers are expecting good news from you regarding the minimum wage, sir. It has been discussed that there will be a little more increase. Will there be an additional raise?"