President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a phone conversation with Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of Catholic Christians and the Head of State of Vatican. In the conversation, Erdogan expressed that the immoral displays exhibited during a part of the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games caused outrage and reactions. President Erdogan stated that under the guise of freedom of expression and tolerance, human dignity is trampled upon, religious and moral values are mocked, and this offends not only the Christian world but also Muslims. He emphasized the need to raise our voices together and demonstrate a common stance against these actions. He also pointed out that challenging religious values, promoting deviant propaganda, and the moral decline the world is experiencing are alarming signs during the Olympic Games, which are meant to unite people. "ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN AS AN ALLIANCE OF HUMANITY"President Erdogan also stated that the Israeli attacks in Gaza have turned into genocide, causing a serious humanitarian crisis, and that Israel carries out these massacres under the diplomatic, economic, and military umbrella provided by some states. Erdogan emphasized that the assassination attempt against Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh and the attack on Lebanon once again revealed that Israel poses a threat to the entire region, the world, and humanity. He stated that it is necessary to act as an alliance of humanity without delay in order to ensure the peace and tranquility of Muslims and Christians living in Palestine. THANKED ERDOĞANPresident Erdogan stated that he believes his meetings with countries supporting Israel and his efforts to stop the attacks and establish lasting peace will be beneficial for the region as well as the political, security, and social structure of the world. In the conversation, Pope Francis thanked President Erdogan for his efforts for peace and his sensitivity towards the humiliation of religious values. WHAT HAPPENED?The staging of "The Last Supper" painting, which depicts Jesus Christ and his disciples having a meal, and the performance presented by most LGBT artists during the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics on July 26, received criticism from various groups. President Erdogan, who expressed his reaction to the incident, stated, "What is being attempted in Paris is a project to degrade human beings, who are the noblest of creatures, to the lowest level, even below animals. I will call Pope Francis about this as soon as possible. I will share this immorality with him and with the entire Christian world."