Dilan Çıtak, who had remained silent after implying that she had experienced psychological abuse from İbrahim Tatlıses, recently shared her experiences. Çıtak revealed that she had forcibly taken the Tatlıses surname and was kicked out of the house because of her brother İdo's mother, Derya Tuna. "İBRAHİM BEY WAS NOT SATISFIED WITH THIS"İbrahim Tatlıses' mother, Işıl Çıtak, also got involved in the matter and made statements on the 'Beyaz Magazin' program. Işıl Çıtak stated that a house in Bodrum caused the rift between the father and daughter, saying, "The reason for this fight is the house. İbrahim Bey gave a house to everyone in Bodrum. Dilan sold her house. At that time, I came to Bodrum and Dilan said, 'Stay in this house for a few days.' Then she asked me for a loan of 50,000 TL. Because İbrahim Bey said, 'I will rent it for 25,000 liras per month.' Dilan paid two months' rent. İbrahim Bey was not satisfied with this. He also asked for rent from the house where Dilan lived. The woman next to İbrahim Tatlıses, Tuğçe Korkmaz, behaves towards Dilan and Ahmet Tatlıses like his wife. She did not allow Dilan to talk to her father," she said. "I'M SHAKING WITH ANGER"İbrahim Tatlıses, who called in to the program and denied the allegations, said, "They are telling beautiful lies with their mothers and daughters. I'm shaking with anger. Dilan cannot treat the employee next to me like a dog. Now I'm reporting it to the prosecutor's office. Let them vacate our house. I'm sending that money to my daughters in Urfa. That apartment is their right. The 50,000 lira she paid is the rent for her mother's apartment. I told her, 'You will also pay the rent for the house you live in,' and she stormed into my house," he said. LIVE NERVOUS BREAKDOWNTatlıses, who reacted strongly to what happened on the program, criticized Dilan Çıtak Tatlıses' mother, Işıl Çıtak. After shouting at the hosts, "My fingers are trembling. I'm shaking with anger. Don't involve me with this woman," he hung up the phone and left the broadcast. "I TAKE CARE OF İBRAHİM TATLISES LIKE A BABY"Tuğçe Korkmaz called in to the program and claimed that Dilan Çıtak had cursed and insulted her, saying, "She threw the remote control and chair at İbrahim Tatlıses, then kicked the car. I don't behave like someone's wife. I take care of İbrahim Tatlıses like a baby. I have no special closeness to him." MADE A POSTLater, İbrahim Tatlıses shared a photo with Korkmaz on his social media account and wrote, "Derya (Tuna) Hanım, İdo Bey, and my daughter Melek called and said, 'Dad, don't deal with these people. Now Tuğçe Hanım should make coffee, let's drink it together'."