Social media influencer Kerimcan Durmaz, who was detained on charges of promoting illegal gambling, has been arrested. A INVESTIGATION HAD BEEN INITIATEDThe Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office is continuing its investigations into accounts belonging to some social media influencers with a high number of followers that were advertising illegal gambling sites. An investigation had also been initiated against influencer Durmaz on the grounds of violating the "Law on the Regulation of Betting and Games of Chance in Football and Other Sports Competitions." KERİMCAN DURMAZ ARRESTEDAs part of the investigation, suspect Durmaz was detained yesterday. After completing his procedures at the police station, Durmaz was transferred to the Istanbul Courthouse located in Çağlayan. Here, after giving a statement to the prosecutor, Durmaz was arrested by the Istanbul Peace Criminal Court, which requested his detention, and sent to prison. HIS STATEMENT HAS EMERGEDThe statement of the arrested Kerimcan Durmaz has also emerged. Durmaz, who stated that the person in the controversial scene was himself, said, "This venue is an entertainment place located in Malta. It is situated on the bar street, one of the busiest places in the country. As I always do, I went there just to perform as a DJ. I was unaware that the people we agreed with were doing this. If I had known, I wouldn't have gone." "I REALIZED AFTER THE PERFORMANCE ENDED"Durmaz stated the following in his testimony: "When I went on stage, there was a Kerimcan Durmaz logo on the LED screen behind me. I had informed the authorities that it should be this way before the performance. However, while I was performing, a gambling advertisement was displayed on the LED screen behind me, and I realized this when my performance ended from the videos I was tagged in on social media. I was very careful not to have any advertisements while sharing visuals of my performance on my profile. I definitely did not promote any betting or gambling advertisements from my account. My manager Tayfun Fişek contacted the authorities at the entertainment venue, and I went there to perform. He established those connections. I believe he was also unaware of any betting or gambling advertisements. If he had known, he definitely wouldn't have sent me to that venue. I wouldn't have performed there anyway. In the first week of November, I went to Malta with my friend Samet Demirok to shoot a vlog and perform at the venue we had agreed upon. A person at the airport picked us up and helped us reach the hotel. Afterwards, we went to the entertainment venue, and I performed. After the performance, I returned to the hotel and entered Turkey from the airport the next day. During this time, I had no communication with anyone in relation to that place." HE RECEIVED 10 THOUSAND EUROSDurmaz stated that he wanted to present the invoice related to the performance along with his testimony, indicating that he earned 10 thousand euros for the performance, saying, "I issued my invoice through the production company regarding this." HE DID NOT ACCEPT THE CHARGESDurmaz expressed that he did not accept the charges, stating, "I was there to perform. I had no other purpose. I had no idea that illegal gambling advertisements would be made. When I shared on my social media, I was definitely careful not to have any gambling advertisements on the LED screen behind me. If I had known, I would never have allowed it."