Tense moments were experienced on the KM11 IETT bus in Pendik district of Istanbul around 15:40. Allegedly, the driver of the IETT bus with license plate 34 HO 3160 started to fight with a young passenger sitting behind the driver's seat for unknown reasons. PASSENGER SAID TO THE DRIVER "I WILL BREAK YOU"While the bus was moving, the driver suddenly stopped and got into a verbal argument with the young passenger. The verbal argument between the two turned into a fight when the passenger said to the driver "I will break you". IETT DRIVER ATTACKED THE YOUNG PASSENGERAngered by these words, the IETT driver shouted "Come on, break me" and choked the young passenger. During the fight, the IETT driver defended himself by saying "I got on this bus at 4 o'clock and haven't even had a simit. My psychology is disturbed". THOSE MOMENTS WERE CAPTURED INSTANTLYThe fight between the two ended when other passengers on the bus intervened. The driver, who made the young passenger get off the bus, continued his journey. The incident was captured on a passenger's mobile phone camera.