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First comment from Minister of Justice Tunç on the release of Engin Polat: Being tried without detention does not mean he is innocent.

First comment from Minister of Justice Tunç on the release of Engin Polat: Being tried without detention does not mean he is innocent.

07.09.2024 18:40

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç made a statement regarding Engin Polat, who was released from prison two days ago on charges of money laundering. Minister Tunç stated, "Being tried without detention does not mean he is innocent. The judiciary will make the most accurate decision in the ongoing case. A decision that will satisfy the conscience of the society will be reached."

The Minister of Justice, Yılmaz Tunç, commented on the controversy that arose after Engin Polat's release, stating, "Being tried without detention does not mean that he is innocent. The judiciary will make the right decision in an ongoing case. The society will reach a decision that will ease their conscience."


The court announced its interim decision in the trial of Dilan and Engin Polat, who were accused of money laundering and tax evasion. In the case where Engin Polat was demanded to be sentenced to a total of 40 years in prison for three separate crimes, the court also ordered the release of the detained defendants Engin Polat, Sezgin Polat, Alper Kürşat Polat, and accountant Ahmet Gün, following Dilan Polat. The defendants will be tried without detention and will also be subject to a travel ban.


Engin Polat's release has brought criticism towards the judiciary, and Minister of Justice Yılmaz Tunç made the first statement regarding the issue. Minister Tunç said, "The fact that someone is being tried in detention does not mean that they are guilty, and being tried without detention does not mean that they are innocent. Let the judiciary do its job. We cannot evaluate the evidence in the case from the outside. In an ongoing trial, the judiciary will eventually make the right decision. Let's trust our judiciary members."


In operations carried out in 6 provinces, including Istanbul, on November 1, 2023, and onwards, suspects, including Dilan Polat and her husband Engin Polat, were detained. In the preliminary investigation report prepared by the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK), it was determined that there was an inflow of 200 million liras to companies owned by family members from 3 liquidated companies through the method of issuing fake invoices in exchange for alleged trade. It was also found that a medical company owned by Dilan and Engin Polat transferred the naming rights to another company in Ankara and attempted to transfer 1 million 800 thousand liras in that company's account to the personal accounts of the partners.

The Anatolian Chief Public Prosecutor's Office had demanded a sentence of 40 years each for Dilan Polat and Engin Polat on charges of 'establishing and managing an organization with the aim of committing a crime', 'money laundering of assets derived from crime', and 'violation of the Law on the Organization of Football and Other Sports Competitions and Betting and Games of Chance'. Different prison sentences were requested for other suspects. Dilan Polat, who was arrested on November 5, 2023, was released on August 19, 2024.

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